A fundamental quest in cell biology is to define the mechanisms that underlie the identity of the organelles that make eukaryotic cells. Here we propose a method to identify the genes responsible for the morphological and functional integrity of plant organelles using fluorescence microscopy and next-generation sequencing tools.
This protocol describes a fluorescence microscope-based screening of Arabidopsis seedlings and describes how to map recessive mutations that alter the subcellular distribution of a specific tagged fluorescent marker in the secretory pathway. Arabidopsis is a powerful biological model for genetic studies because of its genome size, generation time, and conservation of molecular mechanisms among kingdoms. The array genotyping as an approach to map the mutation in alternative to the traditional method based on molecular markers is advantageous because it is relatively faster and may allow the mapping of several mutants in a really short time frame. This method allows the identification of proteins that can influence the integrity of any organelle in plants. Here, as an example, we propose a screen to map genes important for the integrity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Our approach, however, can be easily extended to other plant cell organelles (for example see1,2), and thus represents an important step toward understanding the molecular basis governing other subcellular structures.
1. EMS Treatment
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds are mutagenized using as mutagen agent ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)3,4, which induces into the genome C-to-T changes resulting in C/G to T/A mutations5-7.
2. Confocal Screening of M2 and M3 Populations
In this section we describe the observation of seedlings with a confocal or fluorescence microscope as described earlier8.
3. Mapping
This section describes essentially how to map a recessive mutation using a modified protocol from Borevitz9 which is faster if compared to traditional mapping methods10,11 . This approach use high-density oligonucleotide arrays with the ability to detect numerous single feature polymorphisms (SFPs) in a single assay12. Using the Affymetrix Arabidopsis ATH1 GeneChip array is possible to analyze approximately 24,000 genes. A pool of F2 individuals showing the mutation is compared to a pool of wild-type F2 plants collected within the same segregating population. Then, the mutation will be mapped in the region where the mutant pool is enriched for mutant genotype alleles and consequently in the same region the wild-type pool will result enriched for the wild-type parent alleles13.
4. Representative Results
Figure 1 shows the approach used for identification of a mutant of the secretory pathway using confocal microscopy screening. Figure 2 shows a typical preparation of labeled genomic DNA for array hybridization. In figure 3, a typical result expected after analyzing the data obtained from the GeneChip Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array is presented.
Figure 1. Arabidopsis transgenic plants expressing ssGFPHDEL (ER marker) (1) were cultivated to produce enough seeds for EMS treatment (2). Seeds treated with EMS were then sown to generate M1 plants (3). Each M1 plant represents a different line and seed were collected separately from each of them. M2 seed were plated on ½ MS substrate (4) and then screened for defects in ER morphology by confocal microscopy (5). During the screening we found plants that conserved the wild-type ER morphology (6) and plants that show defective ER phenotypes (7). These plants were grown to obtain the M3 generation and to confirm the phenotype (8). Genomic DNA from M3 plant was used for Solexa Illumina sequencing (a). The same plant was also used for crosses with Ler-wt to obtain the F2 mapping population (b).
Figure 2. Bioprime random labeling reactions (5 μL of 100 μL) were loaded on agarose gel 1%. Lane a is from a pool of wild-type F2 plants, and lane b is from a pool of mutant F2 plants. (Marker is 1 Kb DNA ladder-N3232, from NEB).
Figure 3. The figure represents an example of mapping of Col-0 mutation using GeneChip Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array Hybridization. The mutation in this example is located on chromosome 1, delimited by vertical bars. The horizontal bars represent the thresholds for detection.
Here we described a confocal microscopy-based screening for the identification of endomembrane mutants. This approach can be easily extended to other organelles of the cell for which specific fluorescent protein markers are available. The screen is based on the identification of mutants that show an aberrant distribution of the fluorescent marker either in the target organelle or to organelles that are not supposed to contain the marker. Respectively, these mutants represent populations in which either the ability of the organelle to subcompartimentalize the marker is compromised or mutants that cannot properly translocate the marker among organelles. During the screening we noticed that some mutants showed a phenotype in early development stages as early as 7 days after germination; however, others showed the phenotype only in a later stage of development. While this may be linked to a number of reasons, including development-dependent expression of the mutated allele(s), this suggests that plants should be examined at different growth stages (at least 7 to 14 days) to guarantee that potentially interesting mutants are not discarded.
The approach described in this protocol allows us to map a gene in a relatively short time compared to the classical mapping method. In fact, collecting a sufficient number of individuals of the F2 population used for the GeneChip Array requires a relatively small amount time compared to F2 plants required for the classical fine-mapping procedure. However, there are critical steps that should be observed. Selection of F2 population samples showing or not showing the phenotype should be carried out carefully, since the addition of even a small number of plants with the wrong phenotype by mistake can introduce errors into the final result. This is mostly linked to the fact that the F2 population used for the rough mapping is very small. For this reason, the selection of plants that either show or do not show the phenotype should be conducted every time at the same day after germination. This is because, as we mentioned above, the appearance of the phenotype may be linked to growth. Another important point to consider is to look carefully at the next generation data postalignment, which is generated by programs that give us important information like the percentage of reads containing the variant. The theoretical value expected for a heterozygous variant is around 50%, this means that 50% of the sequences would contain the variant while for a homozygous variant, is circa 100%. Unfortunately the situation after a postalignment can be far from the theoretical value, in fact the percentage of reads containing the variant for heterozygous can vary from the 20 to 80% while from 60 to 100% for homozygous16. Therefore, in order not to miss the key single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), it is important to not to discard mutants with less than 100% percentage of reads for the variant.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We acknowledge support by the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, US Department of Energy (award number DE-FG02- 91ER20021) and National Science Foundation (MCB 0948584) (F.B.). We are thankful to Ms Karen Bird for editing the manuscript.
Name of the reagent | Company | Catalogue number |
Ethylmethane sulfonate | Sigma | M0880 |
NaOH | J.T Baker | 3722-05 |
Murashige skoog basal medium w gamborg vitamins | Phyto technolog laboratorie | M404 |
Phytagel | Sigma | P8169-1Kg |
RNeasy mini kit | Qiagen | 74104 |
Master pure plant leaf DNA purification kit | Epicentre | MPP92100 |
Bioprime DNA labeling system | Invitrogen | 18094-011 |
Alcohol 200 proof | Decan laboratories inc. | 2716 |
NaOAc | J.T Baker | |
Gene chip Arabidopsis ATH1 genome array | Affymetrix | 900385 |
Falcon tubes 50 mL | corning | 430290 |
Eppendorf tubes 1.5 mL | ||
Filter paper 90mm | Whatman | 1001090 |
Analytical Balance | Mettler Toledo AB54-S | n.a |
Nutating (wave) shaker | Heidolph polymax 1040 | n.a |
Centrifuge | Eppendorf 5417-R | n.a |