
Tumeur primaire et MEF cellule d'isolement pour étudier métastases pulmonaires

Published: May 20, 2015


The goal of this protocol is to study breast tumorigenesis. With this technique, mouse mammary tumors are removed and primary cells are prepared from tumors. A lung extraction protocol is included for studying lung metastasis. Furthermore, another protocol for analyzing mouse embryonic fibroblasts from the mouse embryo is included.


In breast tumorigenesis, the metastatic stage of the disease poses the greatest threat to the affected individual. Normal breast cells with altered genotypes now possess the ability to invade and survive in other tissues. In this protocol, mouse mammary tumors are removed and primary cells are prepared from tumors. The cells isolated from this procedure are then available for gene profiling experiments. For successful metastasis, these cells must be able to intravasate, survive in circulation, extravasate to distant organs, and survive in that new organ system. The lungs are the typical target of breast cancer metastasis. A set of genes have been discovered that mediates the selectivity of metastasis to the lung. Here we describe a method of studying lung metastasis from a genetically engineered mouse model.. Furthermore, another protocol for analyzing mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from the mouse embryo is included. MEF cells from the same animal type provide a clue of non-cancer cell gene expression. Together, these techniques are useful in studying mouse mammary tumorigenesis, its associated signaling mechanisms and pathways of the abnormalities in embryos.


Metastasis is the final step in the progression of breast cancer 1. It involves a series of steps in which malignant cells are released from the primary tumor and disseminated to other organs 2. The cells must be able to intravasate, survive in circulation, extravasate to distant organs, and survive in that new organ system 3. Each step in tumorigenesis is tightly controlled by cells through various genetic and epigenetic changes 4. To study the mechanisms of breast cancer tumorigenesis, mouse model systems have been utilized due to their short lifespan, small size and fast breeding time. Some major advantages of using mouse models in cancer research are the molecular and physiological similarities they share with humans 5.

Established mouse and human cell lines have been used extensively in breast cancer research. Although we can obtain some information about the steps in metastasis using these cells, genetically manipulated animal models with tumor suppressors/oncogenes will give far more information about tumor development and metastasis starting from the embryonic stage. Thus, with these mouse models, we can obtain genetic and developmental regulation of tumor growth. Furthermore, the tumor microenvironment also plays an important role in tumor cell gene expression and it can be difficult to mimic the same scenario with studies using established cell lines. Primary human mammary tumors can also be used to study mouse mammary tumorigenesis. The main disadvantage of using isolated breast tumors is that this newly implanted tumor does not have the mouse’s vasculature and lymphatic tissue. Whereas the genetic mouse model systems for studying mammary tumorigenesis will allow us to monitor the steps of metastasis, analyze the tumor microenvironment, and access to the entire body 5.

The overall goal of this protocol is to study breast tumorigenesis in mice. It is known that breast cancers typically metastasize to the brain, lung and bone. This protocol allows for the isolation of primary mammary tumor cells, as well as, studying breast cancer metastasis to the lung. Furthermore, another protocol for analyzing mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from the mouse embryo is included. Together, these techniques are useful in studying mouse mammary tumorigenesis.


Toutes les expériences de souris ont été effectuées conformément aux protocoles approuvés par le Institutional Animal Care et utilisation comités (IACUC) de LSU School of Medicine. Tous les instruments doivent être stérilisés à l'autoclave avant la dissection. 1. Préparation des cellules primaires de tumeurs mammaires de souris Utiliser un modèle de souris qui a été génétiquement modifié avec la souris tumeur mammaire Virus Polyome Moyen T-Antigen (de la souris MMTV-PyMT transgé…

Representative Results

Le stade de progression de la tumeur à laquelle sacrifier l'animal dépend de l'étude particulière et des lignes directrices du IACUC. Dans la figure 1A, 100 aujourd'hui âgé de souris C57BL / 6 avec la souris tumeur mammaire Virus Polyome Moyen T-Antigen (MMTV-PyMT) a été sacrifié à trois mois. La peau a été ouvert à partir de la zone de l'orifice de l'urètre à la nuque avec des ciseaux et de la peau a été clouée au sol pour permettre un accès facile à des organes …


Ce protocole est destiné à isoler des cellules primaires à partir d'une tumeur de souris frais. Les lysats préparés à partir de ce procédé sont utiles pour les protéines, l'ADN et analyse de l'ARN. Les cellules cancéreuses de la tumeur primaire du sein métastasent souvent vers le cerveau, les poumons et les os 1. Inclus est une technique pour extraire le poumon pour la détection des métastases. La coloration du poumon avec une tache d'encre permettra la visualisation des nodules t…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to thank NIH, LACaTS and Ochsner clinic foundation for the financial support.


DMEM HyClone SH30243.01 Store at 4 °C
0.05% Trypsin-EDTA Life  technologies 25300-062 Store at – 20 °C
Collagenase Type IV Sigma-Aldrich C5138 Store at – 20 °C
Hyaluronidase Sigma-Aldrich H3506 Store at – 20 °C
Pen Strep Life  technologies 15140-122 Store at 4 °C
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) Gemini Bio-Products 100-106 Store at – 80 °C
Z-fix ANATECH #174 Store at room temperature
India Ink Yasutomo Store at room temperature
AERRANE (Isoflurane) Baxter NDC 10019-773-60 Store at room temperature
Ethanol EMD AX0441-3 Store at room temperature


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Dong, S., Maziveyi, M., Alahari, S. K. Primary Tumor and MEF Cell Isolation to Study Lung Metastasis. J. Vis. Exp. (99), e52609, doi:10.3791/52609 (2015).

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