
シリーズで3つの確立された技術を適用することにより 、大腸菌 におけるフラゲラ駆動運動性の調査

Published: May 10, 2020











1. 運動不足株におけるサプレッサー変異体の分離 注: この方法を広範な「キャッチオール」として使用して、運動性欠陥の一般的な性質を特定してください。 ソフト寒天プレートの準備注:軟寒天は、運動性または水泳寒天とも呼ばれ、低パーセンテージ寒天(〜0.2-0.35%w/v)であり、長い間気胸31,32をアッセ…

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Bacto Dehydrated Agar Fisher Scientific DF0140-15-4
EDTA Disodium Salt, Dihydrate Fisher Scientific 02-002-786
Eiken agar Eiken Chemical Co. Japan E-MJ00 Essential for E. coli swarming
Glucose D (+) Fisher Scientific 410955000
LB (Lennox) Broth Fisher Scientific BP1427-500
Poly-L-lysine Solution (0.1%) Sigma-Aldrich P8920
Potassium chloride (KCl) Fisher Scientific 18-605-496
Potassium Phosphate monobasic (KH2PO4) Fisher Scientific BP362-500
Potassium Phosphate dibasic (K2HPO4) Fisher Scientific BP363-500
Sodium chloride (NaCl) Fisher Scientific S271-500
Materials and Equipment
CellSense microscope imaging software (V. 1.6) Olympus Or equivalent software for microscope used
Electron Microscopy Sciences Scotch 666 Doube Sided Tape Fisher 50-285-28
Frosted microscope slides 3x1x1mm Fisher 12-550-343
Olympus BX53 microscope Olympus BX53 Any upright or inverted phase microscope can be used
Petri dishes (100 mm diameter) Fisher Scientific FB0875712 For soft-agar assays
Polyethylene Nebulizer Capillary Tubing (0.58mm x 99mm 3.0m) Perkin Elmer 9908265
Round Petri Dish with 2 Compartments VWR 89200-944 For border-crossing assays
Safety Hypodermic Needles (23G) Fisher Scientific 14-826A
Sterile Syringe – 1 mL Fisher scientific 14-955-450
Task/Tissue wipes Fisher scientific 06-666 Or equivalent single use tissue wipes
VWR micro cover-glass 18x18mm VWR 48366205
XM10 camera Olympus XM10 Or equivalent microscope camera


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Partridge, J. D., Harshey, R. M. Investigating Flagella-Driven Motility in Escherichia coli by Applying Three Established Techniques in a Series. J. Vis. Exp. (159), e61364, doi:10.3791/61364 (2020).

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