

Published: February 13, 2009




鸡胚是一个有价值的工具,在早期胚胎发育的研究。其透明度,可获得性和易于操纵,使其为研究神经系统的形成和最初的图案的理想工具。本视频演示了如何移植到主机组织者组织,恒胜小号节点的方法是,(在鸡胚的组织者)被嫁接到一个主机主管外胚层。主办移植指示覆NA已经组织采取通过神经诱导信号的神经命运。这一机制被称为神经诱导,并构成了脊椎动物的大脑和脊髓的形成初始步骤。这种方法实质上是公认的在小鸡的神经诱导分子的特性。本视频演示了在神经诱导实验的不同步骤,首先,德纳胚胎explanted和寄托一道菜。然后,主机胚胎准备为新的文化。移植是切除和移植到主机领域的透明带保证金。主机是培养18-22小时。大会是固定的,为进一步应用(例如原位杂交)处理。这种方法最初设计由沃丁顿<sup> 1,2</sup>和Gallera<sup> 3,4</sup>。


一,原理概述: 本视频演示了在不同的步骤检测在鸡胚神经诱导。首先,主机的胚胎是explanted在新的文化[NI1]。然后,德纳胚胎是在生理盐水和恒胜的节点(在鸡的“组织者”)explanted与荧光染料DII标记[NI2]。恒胜的节点是从德纳胚胎切除[NI3]和主机的胚胎移植到[NI4,NI5]。主机…


本视频演示了不同的步骤执行检测神经诱导,这种检测基本上是公认的在小鸡的神经诱导分子的特性,因此可以使用一个广泛的应用, 范围胚胎 micromanipulations 1-4,; 6日至揭开新的信号级联反应,7,8,所有旨在了解初步形成大脑和神经系统的其余步骤。


DP是从国家药物滥用研究所露丝Kirschstein奖1F32 DA021977 – 01A1收件人。这项工作是支持的玛格丽特M. Alkek基金会RHF。


Material Name Type Company Catalogue Number Comment
Eggs Animal Charles River Laboratories Premium Fertile Fertilized, HH3+ (14 hr)
Stereomicroscope Microscope Leica Microsystems MZ9.5 or similar  
Hybridization Incubator Equipment Robbins Scientific M1000 Use with inverted Pyrex dish and 500 ml ddH2O beaker
Marsh Automatic Incubator Equipment Lyon RX  
Pyrex dish        
Watchmaker’s glass 50mm Tool VWR 66112-060  
Glass rings Tool Physical Plant facility   cut 4 mm thick sections of glass tubing (27 mm outer diam, 25 mm inner diam). Do not fine polish.
Curved Forceps (1) Tool Electron Microscopy Sciences 72991-4C  
Forceps (2) Tool Fine Science Tools 11002-13 blunt ended using sharpening Stone and 100ul mineral oil
Fine scissors Tool Fine Science Tools 14161-10  
Plastic dishes Tool Falcon 353001  
Rubber Bulb Tool Electron Microscopy Sciences 70980  
DiI Reagent Invitrogen D-282  
Aspirator tube assembly Tool Sigma A5177-5EA  
Microelectrode puller Equipment Sutter Instruments Sutter Instruments P-97 Flaming/Brown Micropipette  
Pasteur Capillary Pipette Tool Electron Microscopy Sciences 70950-12 round edge under flame
Culture chamber Tool Pioneer Plastics 030C  
Microcapillary tube Tool Sigma P1049-1PAK  
Microdissecting knife Tool Fine Science Tools 10056-12 Use to puncture cavities prior to in situ hybridization
Minuten pins 0.2mm diam Tool Fine Science Tools 26002-20 Mix 1 part Curing Agent, 9 parts Base; set O/N at 37C
Diethylpyrocarbonate (depc) Reagent Electron Microscopy Sciences 15710  
Sylgard 184 Silicon Elastomer Curing Agent and Base   Dow Corning 0001986475 Mix 1 part Curing Agent, 9 parts Base; set O/N at 37C
Diethylpyrocarbonate (depc)   Acros Organics 10025025 Add 1ml depc to 1l PBS; shake; autoclave
16% PFA   Electron Microscopy Sciences 15710  


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  2. Waddington, C. H. Induction by the primitive streak and its derivatives in the chick. J. Exp. Biol. 10, 38-46 (1933).
  3. Gallera, J. Excision et transplantation des diff&eacute;rentes r&eacute;gions de la ligne primitive chez le poulet. C. R. Ass. Anat. 49, 632-639 (1964).
  4. Gallera, J. Primary induction in birds. Adv. Morph. 9. , 149-180 (1971).
  5. Serbedzija, G. N., Fraser, S. E., Bronner-Fraser, M. Pathways of neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo as revealed by vital dye labeling. Development 108. , 605-612 (1990).
  6. Psychoyos, D., Stern, C. D. Restoration of the organizer after radical ablation of Hensen’s node and the anterior primitive streak in the chick embryo. Development 122. , 3263-3273 (1996).
  7. Joubin, K., Stern, C. D. Molecular interactions continuously define the organizer during the cell movements of gastrulation. Cell. 98, 559-571 (1999).
  8. Streit, A., Berliner, A. J., Papanayotou, C., Sirulnik, A., Stern, C. D. Initiation of neural induction by FGF signaling before gastrulation. Nature. , 406-474 (2000).
  9. Psychoyos, D., Finnell, R. Method for Culture of Early Chick Embryos ex vivo (New Culture. JoVE. 20, 10-3791 (2008).

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Cite This Article
Psychoyos, D., Finnell, R. Assay for Neural Induction in the Chick Embryo. J. Vis. Exp. (24), e1027, doi:10.3791/1027 (2009).

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