

Published: May 24, 2012






1。聚-D-赖氨酸(PDL)的制备加入5毫升无菌DDH 2至5毫克的客运专线,获得1毫克/毫升的原液。 混合原液吹打几次。 立即使用或储存聚-D-赖氨酸的解决方案,在2-8°C。 2。聚-D-赖氨酸(PDL):涂层塑料细胞培养皿 PDL原液稀释用无菌DDH 2 O的终浓度为10微克/毫升。 吸取足够的解决方案,覆盖养殖水面面积为60毫米的菜(3毫?…


大鼠海马和皮层神经元的解剖和文化在这里介绍的方法,允许使用在化学上定义的介质( 图3)增长了近纯神经细胞进行实验。虽然近纯无血清培养基中培养神经元的协议已先前所述的2,3,4,也有我们的方法中作出了重要的变化。不同于传统的协议(即银行家等)5,我们已取代TrypLE快速,更温和的分解酶胰蛋白酶。我们也省略了两个步骤,这可能会影响神经细胞的完?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.




Reagent Concentration
Neurobasal 98%
B27 2%
Glutamax 0.5 mM

Table I. Neurobasal/B27 complete medium.

Reagent Concentration
Glucose 16 mM
Sucrose 22 mM
NaCl 160 mM
KCl 5 mM
Na2HPO4 1 mM
KH2PO2 0.22 mM
Gentamicin 50 μg/ml
Fungizone 250 ng/ml
pH 7.4
Osmolarity 320-330 mOsm

Table II. Dissection medium.

Reagent Volume (μl)
Neurobasal/B27 complete medium 240
Trypan Blue Stain 0.4% 250
Total 490

Table III. 50x Counting solution.

Reagent Company Cat. number
Hibernate E Brainbits 767171
Neurobasal Gibco, Invitrogen 21103-049
B27 Gibco, Invitrogen 17504-044
Fungizone Gibco, Invitrogen 15290-018
Gentamicin sulfate Sigma Aldrich G1264
Glutamax 200 mM Gibco, Invitrogen 35050
TrypLE Express w/o phenol red Gibco, Invitrogen 12604
Cytosine-β-D-arabinofuranoside hydrochloride Sigma Aldrich C6645
Poly-D-Lysine Sigma Aldrich P6407
Laminin 1 mg/ml Millipore CC095
HEPES Sigma Aldrich H3375
Trypan Blue Stain 0.4% Gibco, Invitrogen 15250

Table IV. Specific reagents.

Equipment Company Cat. number
Stereo Microscope Olympus SZ61
Large Forceps FST 11022-14
Fine-tipped forceps Moria MC40B
Micro fine-tipped forceps Moria MC31
Razor-sharp scissors Roboz RS-6820
Micro Dissecting scissors FST 91460-11
Micro Dissecting Curved scissors FST 14067-11
Glass 2-chamber slides Lab-Tek 154461
60 mm dishes BD Falcon 353002
100 mm dishes Corning 430167
15 ml tubes BD Falcon 352099
1.5 ml cryo-tube vial Nunc 375353

Table V. Specific equipment.


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Pacifici, M., Peruzzi, F. Isolation and Culture of Rat Embryonic Neural Cells: A Quick Protocol. J. Vis. Exp. (63), e3965, doi:10.3791/3965 (2012).

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