

Published: August 03, 2012







1。提供制备(没有视频) 青霉素/链霉素在1X PBS(PEN /链球菌)准备一个新鲜的1X稀释。不超过50毫升,是必要的。用0.22微米的注射器过滤器过滤。 准备注射结合所需的质粒结构结构。到终体积10μL适当的化学计量学在的pCAG标志矢量我们把​​所有的结构。此外,14 pCAG-GFP或pCAG-mCherry应增加用于跟踪电效率和电穿孔细胞。我们用这个实验pCAG-mCherry。最后,在终浓度为0.05%,0…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Name of the reagent Company Catalogue Number Comments
Fertilized chicken eggs Charles River Laboratories    
Egg incubator GQF Manufacturing 1502 Sportsman  
BTX Electroporator BTX Harvard Apparatus ECM830  
Electrodes BTX Harvard Apparatus 45-0162 L-shaped genetrodes For use with ECM830 electroporator
Platinum iridium wire Alfa Aesar #10056 0.5 mm diameter
For making the 2 mm long electrodes
Glass capillary tube World Precision Instrument TW100F-4  
Microloader pipette tip Eppendorf 5242 956.003  
India ink Staples   Filter 20% before use
Microinjector Parker Automation,
Parker Hannifin Cooperation
Picospritzer III  
Fluorescent dissection microscope Leica MZ16F  
Micropipette puller Sutter Instrument D-97  


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Yang, B., Geary, L. B., Ma, Y. In ovo Electroporation in Chick Midbrain for Studying Gene Function in Dopaminergic Neuron Development. J. Vis. Exp. (66), e4017, doi:10.3791/4017 (2012).

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