

Published: October 07, 2012


荧<em在原位</em>杂交(FISH),以确定在单个细胞中的mRNA转录如同时转录中的一个以上的成员的允许多基因活性分析<em> VAR</em>多基因家族<em>恶性疟原虫</em>受感染的红细胞<sup> 1</sup>。该技术的适应性和可用于不同类型的基因,细胞和有机体。


恶性疟原虫感染的红细胞(IE)在疟疾感染的人脐静脉内皮受体介导的黏附表达的PfEMP1 var基因编码的蛋白变异。

单倍体P.恶性疟原虫基因组中藏着约60个不同的变种基因,其中只有一个被认为是转录每一次细胞在血液的感染阶段。如何实现这种相互排斥的变种基因的转录调控还不清楚,因为是个人var基因的鉴定或小组var基因与不同的受体和后果的差分结合的临床结果P.恶性疟原虫感染。近日,被称为相互排斥的转录模式提出了质疑,根据个人P.转录分析恶性疟原虫转录鉴定单INF的ected红细胞细胞利用RNA 荧光原位杂交(FISH)分析VAR的寄生虫P.单个核基因转录恶性疟原虫:1。

在这里,我们提出了一个详细的协议进行分析变种基因的转录的RNA-FISH方法在单核的P.恶性疟原虫感染人类的红细胞。该方法是基于对使用地高辛和生物素标记的反义RNA探针使用的TSA加荧光调色板系统2(Perkin Elmer公司制),微观分析和新鲜选择P.恶性 IE浏览器。 原位杂交法可以用来监测转录的各种基因表达和调节过程中的不同阶段的P.恶性疟原虫生命周期和适应其他疟疾寄生虫物种和其他生物体和细胞类型。


1。新选择受感染的红细胞的生成对于这个测定法,获得最好的结果是当使用新鲜选择培养表面表达的PfEMP1蛋白。在这个特殊的实验3D7 P.恶性疟原虫谱系选择使用特定的抗体,如前面描述的1。 第1天嘉实200μl的包装血细胞从P.恶性疟原虫培养含有2-5%的IE后期通过离心分离,在800×g离心8分钟,在室温下。 血液沉淀重新悬浮…

Representative Results

图1示出的主要步骤的流程图,和持续时间的RNA FISH方法。 一系列有代表性的图像,保存差染mRNA的FISH实验采用单P.疟原虫 IE浏览器在图2中所示。细胞内的原虫有一个小的(1-1.5微米直径)的原子核,用DAPI染成蓝色。二十四小时后,红细胞的入侵P.恶性疟原虫裂殖过程中, 即细胞核分裂,就开始了。优化FISH检测的变种基因转…


RNA FISH分析,如Northern印迹和RT-PCR的方法,允许特定的mRNA转录在单细胞水平上的歧视。这使得有可能区分转录活性和非活动单元,在这个例子中,P.恶性疟原虫在人体红血细胞内寄生原虫。这种全细胞观察往往是必要的,并可能解开重要的和新颖的转录模式1。

虽然其他RNA FISH的方法已被描述4-10,出现了一个需要发展的一个新的和精致的协议,用于研究?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.




Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number Comments
Acetic Acid Sigma/Aldrich 338826-100ml
Albumax media: RPMI 1640 Glutamine solution Lonza BE12-115F 500 ml RPMI 1640
5 ml glutamine solution
Albumax media: Gentamycin sulphate Albumax-solution Lonza BE02-012E 2.5 ml gentamycin sulphate
50 ml Albumax-solution
Albumax-solution: Hypoxanthine Sigma-Aldrich H9377 0.8 g Hypoxanthine
Albumax-solution: AlbuMAX II Invitrogen 11021-037 200 g Albumax
Albumax-solution: RPMI 1640 Lonza BE12-115F 4 liter RPMI 1640
Dissolve with magnet at max. 50 °C. Filter sterilize and store at -20 °C in aliquots.
Amberlite Sigma A5710-110G Resin to deionize formamide.
Anti-biotin goat pAb Peroxidase Conjugate Calbiochem 203206
Anti-Dig antibody Novus biologicals NB100-41330
Anti-fade reagent with DAPI Invitrogen P36931 The mounting media has to cure for 24 hr before sealing the slide completely.
Biotin RNA Labeling Mix Roche 11685597910
Camera digital Nikon digital sight DC-F11
Coverslips Menzel-glaser 631-1570
culture flask 25 cm2 Nunclon surface Nunc 156340
DEPC Fluka/Sigma 32490-100ml 1 ml DEPC in 1000 ml deinonized water. Add a stir bar and stir for 12 hr. Autoclave for 30 min.
Digital camera Nikon digital sight DC-F11
Dynabeads Protein A Invitrogen 10002D
DynaMaq-15 Magnet Invitrogen 123-01D
Formamide bioultra 99 % Fluka/Sigma 47671-1l-F Deionized formamide: 5 g of ion exchange resin per 100 ml of formamide. Stir 30 min. Filter through Whatman paper.
Gelatine 0.75% solution: Gelatine Sigma-Aldrich G2500 3.75 g gelatine in 500 ml RPMI 1640. Heat to 56 °C to dissolve. Filter sterilize when 56 °C. Store at -20 °C in aliquots.
Gelatine 0.75% solution: RPMI 1640 Lonza BE12-115F 3.75 g gelatine in 500 ml RPMI 1640. Heat to 56 °C to dissolve. Filter sterilize when 56 °C. Store at -20 °C in aliquots.
Glutamine solution: L-glutamin Sigma-Aldrich G3126 14.6 g L glutamine in 500 ml 0.9 % NaCl. Dissolve, filter sterilize and store at -20 °C in aliquots.
Glutamine solution: HCl Sigma H1758 14.6 g L glutamine in 500 ml 0.9 % NaCl. Dissolve, filter sterilize and store at -20 °C in aliquots.
Hybridization solution: Formamide Bio ultra 99% SSC 20x Fluka/Sigma 47671-1l-F Total 20 ml, keep frozen at -20 °C in aliquots
10 ml deionized formamide
Hybridization solution: Denhardt’s 50x concentrate Sigma D2532 5 ml 20xSSC
Hybridization solution: Yeast tRNARoche blocking reagent Sigma R-6750 2 ml 50x Denhardt’s
250 μl 20 mg per ml yeast tRNA
Hybridization solution: Salmon sperm DNA Fluka/Sigma 31149-106GF 0.4 g Roche blocking reagent
1 ml of 10 mg per ml salmon sperm DNA (Critical: denature salmon spermDNA at 96 °C for 5 min before adding to the hybridization solution)
Hybridizer ThermoStar 100 HC4 Quantifoil Instruments GmbH 1004-0011 Can be replaced by hybridization oven and RNase free hybridization chambers padded with DEPC water.
Immersion oil UV transparent fluorescence free Sigma 10976-1EA
Immunofluorescence or confocal microscope Nikon D-Eclipse TE2000C
Nailpolish Available in any drugstore
PBS 20x:NaCl
Na2HPO4 x 2H2O
KH2PO4 DEPC deionized H2O
Ajust pH to 7.4
160 g
4 g
23 g
4 g
1 l
Paraformaldehyde 4 % Fluka/chemika 76240 4 g PFA in 80 ml PBS/DEPC. Heat to 65 °C until the PFA dissolves. Add 20 ml PBS, allow the solution to cool. Adjust the pH to 7.4. Filter. Store in aliquots at -20 °C.
Paraformaldehyde 4 %/ Acid acetic 5 % 950 μl paraformaldhyde + 50 μl Acetic acid
Pepsin Sigma/Aldrich P7000
Peroxidase-conjugated anti-biotin Calbiochem 203206
RBC-wash media: RPMI 1640 Glutamine solution Lonza BE12-115F 500 ml RPMI 1640 5 ml glutamine solution
RBC-wash media: Gentamycin sulfate Lonza BE02-012E 2.5 ml gentamycin sulphate
RNase Sigma/Aldrich Make a 10 mg/ml stock solution.
RNase free 1.5 ml tube Ambion AM12450
RNase Zap Ambion AM9780
Slides 4 wells 11 mm Thermo Scientific MENZXER306W
SSC 20x: NaCl Sigma/Aldrich S9625 3 M NaCl (175 g/l) 0.3M Na3 citrate x H2O (88 g/l) Adjust to pH 7.0 with 1M HCl
SSC 20x: Sodium citrate dehydrate Sigma/aldrich W302600 3 M NaCl (175 g/l) 0.3M Na3 citrate x H2O (88 g/l) Adjust to pH 7.0 with 1M HCl
SSPE 20x: NaCl Sigma/Aldrich S9625 175.3 g NaCl
SSPE 20x: NaH2PO4 Sigma/Aldrich S0751 27.6 g NaH2PO4.
SSPE 20x:4 EDTA powder 9.4 g EDTA powder
Add DEPC water, adjust pH 7.4. Autoclave for 20 min
TNB buffer: TNT buffer 10 ml TNT buffer
TNB buffer: Blocking reagent   0.05 g Blocking reagent
To dissolve the blocking reagent, heat the solution to 60 °C for one hour with stirring. Store at -20 °C. (Derived from the Perkin Elmer TSA-protocol.)
TNT buffer: Tris/HCl Sigma T1503 1M Tris/HCl, pH 8.0
TNT buffer: NaCl Sigma Aldrich S9625 100 ml
TNT buffer: Tween20 Sigma 93773 5 M NaCl 30 ml
1 ml DEPC dH2O 869 Ml
Adjust pH to 7.5 at room temperature. (Derived from the Perkin Elmer TSA-protocol.)
TSA plus Cyanine3/ Fluorescein system Perkin Elmer NEL753000IKT Read the protocol from the TSA Plus Fluorescence Palette System carefully before starting the experiment.
Tubes 14 ml sterile Almeco – CM LAB Aps 91016


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Cite This Article
Ronander, E., Bengtsson, D. C., Joergensen, L., Jensen, A. T. R., Arnot, D. E. Analysis of Single-cell Gene Transcription by RNA Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH). J. Vis. Exp. (68), e4073, doi:10.3791/4073 (2012).

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