

Published: November 18, 2014


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a widely conserved class of regulatory molecules. Here we describe a miRNA cloning method that relies upon two potent ligation steps followed by high-throughput sequencing. Our method permits accurate genome-wide quantitation of miRNAs.


miRNA的克隆和高通量测序,所谓的miR-SEQ,独树一帜的全基因组范围的方法来量化的miRNA与单核苷酸分辨率。这种技术捕获的miRNAs通过连接3'和5'寡核苷酸衔接头到miRNA分子,并允许从头 miRNA的发现。具有强大的新一代测序平台的耦合中,miR-SEQ一直在miRNA的生物学研究。然而,寡核苷酸连接的步骤介绍显著的偏见阻碍的miR-SEQ被用作一个精确的定量工具。以往的研究表明,在当前的miR-SEQ方法的偏见往往会导致不准确的miRNA定量与错误的高达1000倍的某些miRNA的1,2。要解决这些偏见,通过RNA结扎传授,我们已经开发出一种小RNA结扎方法导致95%以上的为3'和5'连接步骤连接效率。这个基准测试IM证明文库构建方法,使用等摩尔或差分混合的合成的miRNA,始终如一地产生具有与预期值小于2倍的偏差读出的数字。此外,这种高效率的miR-SEQ方法允许从体内总RNA样品2精确的全基因组miRNA表达谱。



研究着重于噬菌体衍生的T4 RNA连接酶的性质已经证明,酶表现出的基于核苷酸的偏好7,它体现在高通量测序实验作为偏置库<sUP> 1,2,8。为了最小化被RNA连接酶所赋予的偏见,多种策略已经使用;大分子拥挤9中 ,随机化是近端结扎部位6的适配器上的碱基序列,以及使用高浓度的结扎适配器2。通过这三种方法的组合,我们开发了一个工作流的小RNA文库的高通量测序( 图1)兼容的无偏制剂。对于目前的协议和我们的优化方法进行直接的比较,请参阅最近的一份报告2。这种优化的方法产生的大于95%的在两个3'和5'步骤结扎的效率,并允许小分子RNA合成和生物样品2的无偏结扎。


注:关键是要在整个过程中保持无RNA酶的条件。 1.腺苷酸化的3'连接器稀释设计用于3'连接反应至100μM在不含核酸酶的H 2 O的DNA寡核苷酸注:该寡核苷酸应具有一个5'磷酸基团,将在5随机化的核苷酸'末端和3'dideoxycytosine。 5'磷酸基团是第M个酶的高效5的规定'腺苷酸化10。磷酸盐可以通过预处理寡核苷酸的添加与多核苷酸激…

Representative Results

预期的结果为前述方法最初应观测的DNA寡核苷酸,这是受腺苷酰化通过第M个 RNA连接酶( 图2)的尺寸的单核苷酸移位(增加)的。下面的3'连接,将丙烯酰胺凝胶的可视化表示( 见图3)尖锐的高分子量条带在凝胶中的100-300核苷酸区域明显。这表明,总RNA样品使用是高品质(未劣化)。其次应该看到一个非常明亮的信号凝胶,这是多余的25个核苷酸区域,未连接…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank members of the Yi laboratory especially Zhaojie Zhang for fruitful discussions regarding linker design and ligation efficiencies, as well as the American Cancer Society for supporting this work through a postdoctoral fellowship (#125209) to J.E.L. Research reported in this publication was also supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01AR059697 (to R.Y.) and a research grant from the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


Name of Reagent/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
3' Linker (5' phosphorylated, 3' blocked) Integrated DNA Technologies custom
5' Linker Integrated DNA Technologies custom 5' blocked, HPLC Purified
T4RNL2 (1-249 K227Q) New England Biolabs M0351S Specialized for ligation of pre-adenylated DNA adapters
10X Ligation Buffer (without ATP) New England Biolabs Included with M0351S
10X Ligation Buffer (with ATP) New England Biolabs Included with M0204L
RNaseOUT  Invitrogen 10777-019
Polyethylene Glycol (mol. Wt. 8000) New England Biolabs Included with M0204L
Nuclease-free water Ambion AM9937 We have found water collected from a distillation apparatus to be of equvalent quality.
T4RNL1 New England Biolabs M0204L
Superscript III RT kit Invitrogen 18080-051 
Phusion PCR kit New England Biolabs M0530S
Illumina RP1 Primer Integrated DNA Technologies custom Sequence information available from Illumina
Illumina RT Primer Integrated DNA Technologies custom Sequence information available from Illumina
Illumina Index Primer(s) Integrated DNA Technologies custom Sequence information available from Illumina
40% Acrylamide Fisher Scientific BP14081
Urea Sigma Aldrich U6504
Ammonium persulfate Sigma Aldrich A3678
Tetramethyethylenediamine (TEMED) Sigma Aldrich T9281
2X Denaturing RNA loading buffer New England Biolabs Included with M0351S
Razor blades VWR 55411-050
SpinX Centricon Tubes Costar CLS8161
Low Retention Microfuge tubes Fisher Scientific 02-681-320
Sybr Gold Invitrogen S-11494
Adenylation Kit New England Biolabs E2610L


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Lee, J. E., Yi, R. Highly Efficient Ligation of Small RNA Molecules for MicroRNA Quantitation by High-Throughput Sequencing. J. Vis. Exp. (93), e52095, doi:10.3791/52095 (2014).

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