

Published: June 18, 2015


Transfection into the macrophage cell line, RAW264.7, is difficult due to the cell’s natural response against foreign materials. We described here a gentle yet robust procedure for transfecting luciferase reporter genes into RAW264.7 cells.


Transfection of desired genetic materials into cells is an inevitable procedure in biomedical research studies. While numerous methods have been described, certain types of cells are resistant to many of these methods and yield low transfection efficiency1, potentially hindering research in those cell types. In this protocol, we present an optimized transfection procedure to introduce luciferase reporter genes as a plasmid DNA into the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line. Two different types of transfection reagents (lipid-based and polyamine-based) are described, and important notes are given throughout the protocol to ensure that the RAW264.7 cells are minimally altered by the transfection procedure and any experimental data obtained are the direct results of the experimental treatment. While transfection efficiency may not be higher compared to other transfection methods, the described procedure is robust enough for detecting luciferase signal in RAW264.7 without changing the physiological response of the cells to stimuli.



转染巨噬细胞是ESPEcially困难的,由于这一事实,即巨噬细胞是专业的吞噬细胞是给外国的材料,包括来自(甲基)的DNA 4菌非常敏感。外源DNA的引入激活Toll样受体9(TLR9)途径,导致细胞因子的产生和一氧化氮5,6。然后,这些活化巨噬细胞可能是不太适应的治疗,研究人员打算检查。

我们的实验室常规transfects与荧光素酶报告基因的RAW264.7巨噬细胞系,我们已经开发了一个协议,是足够强大的荧光素酶有比信号背景显著高,而且柔情似水的巨噬细胞,以保持其静止状态。转染的细胞的行为由萤火虫荧光素酶报告基因窝藏IκBζ(pGL3-IκBζ)的启动子区进行了评价。 IκBζ表达通过细菌细胞壁成分唇上调opolyssacharide(LPS)的7,8,和由抗炎细胞因子下调,白介素-10(IL-10)8。考虑到井之间转变体中,我们共同转染含有海肾荧光素酶基因( 例如,phRL-TK)进行归一化目的的对照质粒。描述的协议测试各种参数,包括转染的定时,对转染试剂的类型,转染试剂和质粒DNA的量,以及转染试剂的比率,以质粒DNA后进行了优化。包括在这个协议在两个转染试剂是:(1)一个基于脂质的转染试剂和(2)一种蛋白质/聚胺系转染试剂。


1.质粒DNA纯化使用根据制造商的协议的大量制备试剂盒提取质粒DNA。重悬的质粒DNA在500μlTE缓冲液中。 执行苯酚:氯仿:异戊醇萃取和异丙醇沉淀以除去残留的细菌污染物。 LPS的存在干扰了转9。 加入500微升酚:氯仿:异戊醇(25:24:1,pH 8)中的质粒DNA,并剧烈振荡15秒。酚导致严重的皮肤灼伤和是麻醉剂使烧伤并不总是感觉,直到有严重的损害。通风柜异戊提取和…

Representative Results

图1比较了在RAW264.7两个转染试剂的转染效率。所述基于脂质的试剂通常得到约25%的转染率, ​​而蛋白质/聚胺系的转染导致约5%的效率( 图1A)。在转染效率的差异,也观察到在转染了的pGL3-IκBζ启动子报告( 图1B)的RAW264.7细胞的荧光素酶信号。加入LPS到这些转染的细胞的增加的萤火虫萤光素酶信号,所述IκBζ启动子报告的增加转录活性的直接指示。换…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was funded by Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) grant. STC holds a doctoral research award from the CIHR and the Michael Smith Foundation. EYS holds a CIHR scholarship. The CIHR Transplantation Training Program also provided graduate scholarships to STC, EYS and SS.


PureLink HiPure Plasmid Maxiprep Kit Life Technologies K210007 Any maxiprep kit will work
Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol Life Technologies 15593-049 Molecular Biology Grade. Phenol is toxic so work in the fume hood, if possible. Use the lower clear organic layer if two layers of liquid form in the container.
DMEM Thermo Scientific SH30243.01 Warm in 37°C water bath before use. 
Fetal Bovine Serum Thermo Scientific SH30396.03 Inactivated at 56°C water bath for 45 minutes before use.
Opti-MEM Life Technologies 31985-070 Warm to at least room temperature before use.
XtremeGene HP DBA transfection reagent Roche 6366236001 Warm to room temperature before use. 
GeneJuice EMD Millipore 70967 Warm to room temperature before use. 
5X Passive Lysis Buffer Promega E1941 30 ml is included in the Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay System
Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay System Promega E1910


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Cheung, S. T., Shakibakho, S., So, E. Y., Mui, A. L. Transfecting RAW264.7 Cells with a Luciferase Reporter Gene. J. Vis. Exp. (100), e52807, doi:10.3791/52807 (2015).

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