

Published: June 05, 2015




体细胞可以通过迫使四个转录因子(Oct-4的,SOX-2,KLF-4,和c-Myc)的表达重编程为诱导性多能干细胞(iPS细胞),通常由人类胚胎干细胞中表达(胚胎干细胞) 。由于它们的相似性与人类胚胎干细胞,iPS细胞已成为潜在的患者特异性再生医学的重要工具,避免了与人类胚胎干细胞相关的伦理问题。为了获得适合于临床应用的细胞,转基因的无iPSCs的需要产生,以避免转基因激活,改变的基因表达和误导分化。此外,高效率的和廉价的重编程方法是必要的,以获得足够的iPSC用于治疗目的。鉴于这种需求,一个高效的非整合附加型质粒的方法是对的iPSC衍生的优选的选择。隔离,其中当前用于重编程的目的是最常见的细胞类型是成纤维细胞,需要组织活检,一个我nvasive外科手术的病人。因此,人外周血代表的iPSC一代最容易和最不侵入性组织。

在这项研究中,使用非整合附加型质粒具有成本效益和病毒 – 自由协议报从后全血离心分离,没有密度梯度分离从冷冻血沉棕黄层获得的人外周血单核细胞(外周血单个核细胞)的iPSCs的产生。



几种方法已用于iPSC的生成:病毒整合载体(逆转录病毒5,慢病毒6),病毒非整合载体(腺病毒7),仙台病毒8,BAC座子9,附加型载体10,蛋白质11或RNA递送12。虽然使用病毒介导的方法可导致高效率的重编程,病毒载体整合到宿主细胞,因此潜在随机插入 ​​突变的基因组中,基因表达,和沉默的转基因的再活化的分化过程中的永久改变,不能排除13。


迄今为止,皮肤成纤维细胞代表了最流行 ​​施主小区类型5。然而,其他细胞来源已经更迭sfully重编程为iPS细胞包括角质形成细胞16,骨髓间充质干细胞17,脂肪基质细胞18,毛囊19与牙髓细胞20。这些细胞的分离,需要外科手术,并以建立原代细胞培养,需要在体外细胞扩增几个星期。


虽然成人PBMNC重编程的效率比CBMNCs 22的低20-50倍,它们仍然是最方便的细胞类型为取样目的。在事实上,PBMNC取样有被微创的优点,此外,这些细胞不需要重新编程实验之前在体外广泛扩展。迄今为止,不同的协议已经报道,密度梯度分离后外周血单个核细胞可冷冻后冷冻和解冻天至数月并重新编程成iPS细胞22,23之前膨胀为几天。然而,就我们所知没有报道描述从冷冻的血沉棕黄层外周血单个核细胞的重编程。重要的是,没有密度梯度分离收集冷冻棕黄色大衣代表存储在从人口研究大型生物库,从而代表材料的生产的iPSC以避免进一步的样品采集的方便池中最常见的血液样本。



外周血单个核细胞(外周血单个核细胞)后,从签署知情同意书和南蒂罗尔省的伦理委员会批准献血者健康人外周血标本中分离。实验是按照在表达赫尔辛基宣言的原则进行。所有的数据收集和分析了匿名。 1.分离外周血单个核细胞(外周血单个核细胞) 从全血中离心后的血沉棕黄层获得外周血单个核细胞,没有密度梯度分离。 收集8毫升静脉外周血成柠檬酸?…

Representative Results

在这项研究中的简单而有效的协议,用于病毒无iPSCs的由外周血单个核细胞从全血中离心分离和密度梯度分离报道后获得外周血单个核细胞的重新编程,比较后冷冻的血沉棕黄层中分离的重编程的产生。 图1A示出的示意图详细的协议。解冻后,分离的外周血单个核细胞,显示出典型的圆形形状,在特定的血液培养基中14天( 图1B)展开,然后转染了附加型质粒。经过10-15天…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


The study was supported by the Ministry of Health and Department of Educational Assistance, University and Research of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and the South Tyrolean Sparkasse Foundation.


Sodium Citrate buffered Venosafe Plastic Tube Terumo VF-054SBCS07
Ammodium chloride Sigma-Aldrich A9434
Potassium bicarbonate Sigma-Aldrich 60339
EDTA disodium powder Sigma-Aldrich E5134 0.5 M solution
Ficoll-Paque Premium  GE Healthcare Life Sciences 17-5442-02 Polysucrose solution for density gradient centrifugation
Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium (IMDM)  Gibco 21056-023 No phenol red
Ham's F-12 Mediatech 10-080-CV
Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium-Ethanolamine (ITS -X) Gibco 51500-056  1X (Stock: 100X)
Chemically Defined Lipid Concentrate Gibco 11905031 1X (Stock: 100X)
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Sigma-Aldrich A9418
L-Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate sesquimagnesium salt hydrate Sigma-Aldrich A8960
1-Thioglycerol Sigma-Aldrich M6145 Final Concentration at 200 µM
Recombinant Human Stem Cell Factor (SCF) PeproTech 300-07 100 ng/ml (Stock:100 µg/ml) 
Recombinant Human Interleukin-3 (IL-3) PeproTech 200-03 10 ng/ml (Stock: 10 µg/ml)
Recombinant Human Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) PeproTech 100-11 40 ng/ml (Stock: 40 µg/ml)
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (EPO) R&D Systems  287-TC-500 2 U/ml (Stock: 50 U/ml)
Dexamethasone  Sigma-Aldrich D2915 1 μM (Stock: 1 mM)
Human Holo-Transferrin R&D Systems  2914-HT 100 μg/ml (Stock: 20 mg/ml)
Amniomax II Gibco 11269016 Medium for cytogenetic analysis
mTeSR1 StemCell Technologies 5850 Medium for iPSC feeder-free culture
Knockout DMEM Gibco 10829-018
Knockout Serum Replacement Gibco 10828-028
Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Gibco 15140-122
L-Glutamine (200 mM) Gibco 25030-024
MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100X) Gibco 11140-050
2-Mercaptoethanol  Gibco 31350-010 0.1 mM (Stock: 50 mM)
Sodium Butyrate Sigma-Aldrich B5887 0.25 mM (Stock: 0.5 M)
Recombinant Human FGF basic, 145 aa  R&D Systems  4114-TC 10 ng/ml (Stock: 10 µg/ml)
Y-27632 dihydrochloride Sigma-Aldrich Y0503  10 µM (Stock: 10 mM)
Fetal Defined Bovine Serum Hyclone SH 30070.03
EmbryoMax 0.1% Gelatin Solution Merck-Millipore ES-006-B
Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix Growth Factor Reduced BD Biosciences 354230
Collagenase, Type IV Gibco 17104-019 1 mg/ml (Stock: 10 mg/ml)
Accutase PAA Laboratories GmbH L11-007 Cell detachment solution
Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast (CF1) Global Stem GSC-6201G 1*106 cells/6 well plate
Plasmid pCXLE-hOCT3/4-shp53-F Addgene  27077 1 µg (Stock: 1 µg/µl)
Plasmid pCXLE-hSK Addgene  27078 1 µg (Stock: 1 µg/µl)
Plasmid pCXLE-hUL Addgene  27080 1 µg (Stock: 1 µg/µl)
Plasmid pCXLE-EGFP Addgene  27082 1 µg (Stock: 1 µg/µl)
Alkaline Phosphatase Staining Kit Stemgent 00-0009
Anti-Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen-4 (SSEA-4) Antibody Merck-Millipore MAB4304 1/250
Anti-TRA-1-60 Antibody Merck-Millipore MAB4360 1/250
Anti-TRA-1-81 Antibody Merck-Millipore MAB4381 1/250
Anti-Oct-3/4 Antibody Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-9081 1/500
Anti-Nanog Antibody Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-33759 1/500
Anti-Troponin I Antibody Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-15368 1/500
Anti-α-Actinin (Sarcomeric) Antibody Sigma-Aldrich A7732 1/250
Neuronal Class III ß-Tubulin (TUJ1) Antibody Covance Research Products Inc  MMS-435P-100 1/500
Anti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) Antibody Calbiochem 657012 1/200
Alexa Fluor 488 Goat Anti-Mouse  Molecular Probes A-11029 1/1000
Alexa Fluor 555 Goat Anti-Rabbit Molecular Probes A-21429 1/1000
Ultra-Low Attachment Cell Culture 6-well plate Corning 3471
Trizol Reagent Ambion 15596-018  reagent for RNA extraction
SuperScript VILO cDNA Synthesis Kit Invitrogen 11754050 Reverse transcriptase kit
iTaq Universal SYBR Green Supermix Bio-Rad 172-5124
CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System Bio-Rad 185-5195
Experion Automated Electrophoresis System Bio-Rad 700-7000 Instrument to check RNA integrity
Experion RNA Highsense Analysis kit Bio-Rad 7007105 Reagent kit to check RNA integrity
Dissecting microscope (SteREO Discovery V12 ) Zeiss 495007
NeonTransfection System 100 µL Kit Invitrogen MPK10025 Reagent kit for electroporation
Neon Transfection System Invitrogen MPK5000 Instrument used for electroporation
NanoDrop UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Thermo Scientific ND-2000 Instrument for DNA/RNA quantification
EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit Qiagen 12362 Plasmid purification kit


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Meraviglia, V., Zanon, A., Lavdas, A. A., Schwienbacher, C., Silipigni, R., Di Segni, M., Chen, H. V., Pramstaller, P. P., Hicks, A. A., Rossini, A. Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Frozen Buffy Coats using Non-integrating Episomal Plasmids. J. Vis. Exp. (100), e52885, doi:10.3791/52885 (2015).

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