

Published: December 12, 2016


连续的低温部分被收集,以便利用邻近地区从一个单一的小鼠骨骼肌基因表达测量组织的应用程序和RNA的富集。 30毫克汇集冷冻切片和测量的应用程序之间直接比较 – 高品质的RNA是从20获得。


用这种方法,连续冷冻切片被收集,以使对组织的组织学和RNA的富集基因的表达使用相邻区域从单个小鼠骨骼肌既显微镜应用。通常情况下,它是具有挑战性的,实现小骨骼肌样品充分均质化,因为缓冲器的卷可能太低高效研磨应用中,但没有足够的机械破碎,缓冲试剂的肌肉限制渗透的致密组织架构,最终导致低的RNA产量。按照此处所报告的协议,30微米的部分被收集并汇集允许cryosectioning和随后的针均化以机械地扰乱肌肉,增加暴露缓冲渗透的表面积。该技术的主要限制是,它需要一个低温恒温器,它是相对较低的吞吐量。然而,高质量的RNA可从汇集M个小样品中获得uscle冷冻切片,使得这种方法对于许多不同的骨骼肌肉和其他组织访问。此外,这种技术使得能够匹配分析( 例如,组织病理学和基因表达),以便测量可以跨应用程序,以减少实验的不确定性,并减少所需的复制动物实验,以源为一个小的组织直接比较由单一骨骼肌的相邻区域多个应用程序。






所有的动物程序进行格鲁吉亚机构动物护理和使用委员会的大学动物下使用协议A2013 07-016(Beedle)的批准。 1.未固定骨骼肌冷冻保存制备切软木成小方块(约1cm×1厘米)用刀片,用细尖标记物到2-甲基丁烷耐识别源鼠标和肌肉,并进行了很浅的切口在软木写(约1毫米)在整个上表面上。将塑料盖玻片到剪切用于定向组织。重复,直到软木塞准备好要冷冻保存每一个组织。 <l…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.


Madison Grant, Steven Foltz, Halie Zastre and Junna Luan provided technical assistance. Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under award number AR065077. The content is solely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


Cork VWR Scientific 23420-708 Cut into small squares with a sharp blade.
Plastic coverslip Fisher Scientific 12-547 Used to orient the muscle during freezing.
Low temperature thermometer VWR Scientific 89370-158
2-methylbutane Sigma M32631-4L Caution: hazardous chemical. Store in flammable cabinet.
Embedding resin: "cryomatrix" Thermo Fisher Scientific 6769006 Other embedding resins can be substituted for cryomatrix.
Cryostat Thermo Fisher Scientific microm HM550 with disposable blade carrier Any working cryostat should be sufficient for the protocol.
Disposable cryostat blade Thermo Fisher Scientific 3052835 Use an appropriate blade or knife for the cryostat to be used.
RNAse decontamination solution: "RNase Zap" Thermo Fisher Scientific AM9780
Analytical balance Mettler Toledo XS64
Paint brush Daler Rowney 214900920 Use to handle cryosections. Can be found with in stores with simple art supplies.
Razor blade VWR Scientific 55411-050
Microscope slide VWR Scientific 48311600
RNA organic extraction reagent: TRIzol Thermo Fisher Scientific 15596026 Caution: TRIzol is a hazardous chemical. Note: Only organic extraction reagents are recommended for RNA extraction from skeletal muscle.
18 gauge needle VWR Scientific BD305185
22 gauge needle VWR Scientific BD305155
26 gauge needle VWR Scientific BD305115 Optional. Can be used for a third round of sample trituration in the RNA extraction protocol.
1 mL syringe VWR Scientific BD309659 For very high value samples, a luer-lok syringe is recommended (e.g. VWR BD309628).
1-bromo-3-chloropentane (BCP) Sigma B9673
For 70% ethanol in DEPC water: 200 proof alcohol Decon Laboratories, Inc. +M18027161M Mix 35 ml 200 proof alcohol + 15 mL DEPC water. 
For 70% ethanol in DEPC water: DEPC-treated water Thermo Fisher Scientific AM9922 Mix 35 ml 200 proof alcohol + 15 mL DEPC water.
RNA purification kit: PureLink RNA minikit Thermo Fisher Scientific 12183018A Final steps of RNA preparation.
DNase/Rnase-free water  Gibco 10977 DEPC-treated water can also be used.
Spectrophotometer: Nanodrop 2000 Thermo Fisher Scientific NanoDrop 2000
Dnase I Thermo Fisher Scientific AM2222 Treat purified RNA to remove any DNA contamination before downstream appications.
Hydrophobic pen Thermo Fisher Scientific 8899
Dulbecco's PBS Gibco 14190 PBS for immunofluorescence protocol.
Donkey serum Jackson ImmunoResearch Laoratories, Inc 017-000-121 Rehydrate normal donkey serum stock according to the manufacturer's instructions, then dilute an aliquot to 5% for immunofluorescence.  Normal goat serum can also be used.
eMHC antibody University of Iowa Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank F1.652
Collagen VI antibody Fitzgerald Industries #70R-CR009x
Donkey anti-rabbit AlexaFluor488 Thermo Fisher Scientific A21206
Goat anti-mouse IgG1 AlexaFluor546 Thermo Fisher Scientific A21123
DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) Thermo Fisher Scientific D1306
Aqueous mounting media: Permafluor Thermo Fisher Scientific TA-030-FM Only use mounting media designed for fluorescent applications with anti-fade properties.
Glass coverslip VWR Scientific 16004-314 Use for mounting slides at the end of immunofluorescence protocl
Image analysis software: ImageProExpress Media Cybernetics, Inc. Image-Pro Express, or more advanced products Freeware ImageJ should also work for manual counting. More advanced software with segmentation abiities may allow partial automation of the process.  E.g. ImageProPremier.  
Merge and map section images: Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
Cardiotoxin Sigma C9659 Sigma C9659 has been discontinued. Other options for cardiotoxin are EMD Millipore #217503; American Custom Chemicals Corp. # BIO0000618; or Ge Script # RP17303; but these have not been validated.
reverse transcription kit: Superscript III First-strand synthesis system Thermo Fisher Scientific 18080051 Any validated, high quality reverse transcription reagents can be used.
Standard PCR: GoTaq Flexi polymerase system Promega M8298 Any validated, high quality Taq polymerase system can be used. If DNA sequencing is to be used for any application downstream of the PCR, then a high fidelity PCR system should be used instead.
SYBR green Thermo Fisher Scientific S7585 For use in qPCR when not using a dedicated qPCR master mix. Use with SuperROX (for Applied Biosystems instruments) and GoTaq Flexi polymerase and buffers.
ROX: SuperROX, 15 mM BioResearch Technologies, Inc. Novato CA SR-1000-10 SuperROX is more stable in the PCR reaction, so it is preferred for use as a qPCR passive reference dye over ROX (carboxy-X-rhodamine). For qPCR with Applied Biosystems instruments
Real-time PCR Applied Biosystems 7900HT


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Beedle, A. M. Cryosectioning of Contiguous Regions of a Single Mouse Skeletal Muscle for Gene Expression and Histological Analyses. J. Vis. Exp. (118), e55058, doi:10.3791/55058 (2016).

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