

Published: November 05, 2019






在研究中使用人类样本无疑是研究人类大脑病理学的绝佳选择,现代技术为使用患者衍生组织进行稳健和合乎道德的实验开辟了新途径。从成人人脑制备的有机体/切片培养物等方法已越来越多地用于光遗传学1、生理学2、3、4、5、塑性等范式中。6,7,8,9,神经毒性/神经保护10,11,12,13,细胞治疗14,药物筛选15,16,17, 遗传学和基因编辑12,18,19,20,等等, 作为一个策略,以更好的了解成年后的神经疾病。

理解人类大脑病变背后的机制取决于需要大量的实验策略。相反,在切片培养的情况下,虽然获取人类样本仍然很困难,但从单个皮质样本中生成多达 50 个切片的可能性部分地规避了通过增加每个收集的组织复制和进行测定的数量21

几个方案的大脑器官/切片培养已经描述,从经典的oculo拔模22,23到辊管24,25,26,半渗透膜接口27,28,29,30和自由浮动切片31,32。根据实验设计的特殊性,每种技术都有其优点和缺点。从成人大脑短期的,自由浮动的切片培养在某些情况下比Stoppini等人使用的方法27有利,如果考虑到事实,虽然长期细胞在体外生存通常是一个主要的关注,在评估一种文化方法,在许多实验中只需要很短的时间在文化需要12,31,32,33,34,35。在这些条件下,使用自由浮动培养物的优点是更简单、更具成本效益,并且比在培养中保存的切片在 2-3 周内更精确地类似于原始人体组织状况。



活成人脑组织是从接受切除神经外科治疗药理性叶癫痫的患者身上获得的(图1A)。所有程序都由里贝里诺普雷托医学院诊所医院(17578/2015)的伦理委员会批准,患者(或其法律责任人员)同意并签署了知情同意条款。组织采集工作由巴西圣保罗大学里贝里奥普雷托医学院的神经外科小组进行。 1. 材料灭菌 注:所有材料…

Representative Results





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这项工作得到FAPESP(25681-3/2017年授予AS)、CAPES(博士后研究金PNPD/INCT-HSM到A.F.和博士前奖学金到N.D.M.)和FAEPA的支持。G.M.A. 持有 FAPESP (MS 2018/06614-4) 的硕士奖学金。N.G.C. 持有 CNPq 研究奖学金。我们感谢患者及其家属为这项研究捐赠被切除的纸巾。我们要感谢圣保罗大学里贝里奥普雷托医学院临床医院的居民、护士、技术人员和CIREP团队的支持,他们帮助参与了这一进程的各个阶段。


2-Propanol Merck 1096341000
Acrylamide/Bis-Acrylamide, 30% solution Sigma Aldrich A3449 
Agarose Sigma Aldrich A9539
Ammonium persulfate Sigma A3678-25G
Amphotericin B Gibco 15290-018
Antibody anti-ERK 2 (rabbit) Santa Cruz Biotecnology sc-154 Dilution 1:1,000 in BSA 2.5%
Antibody anti-pERK (mouse) Santa Cruz Biotecnology sc-7383 Dilution 1:1,000 in BSA 2.5%
B27 Gibco 17504-044
BDNF Sigma Aldrich SRP3014
Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma Aldrich A7906
Bradford 1x Dye Reagent BioRad 500-0205
EDTA Sigma T3924 Used in RIPA buffer
Glucose Merck 108337
Glutamax Gibco 35050-061
Hank's Balanced Salts Sigma Aldrich H1387-10X1L
Hepes Sigma Aldrich H4034
Hydrochloric acid Merck 1003171000
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Vetec 194
Mouse IgG, HRP-linked whole Ab (anti-mouse) GE NA931-1ML
NaCl Merck 1064041000 Used in RIPA buffer
Neurobasal A Gibco 10888-022
Non-fat dry milk (Molico) Nestlé Used for membrane blocking
PBS Buffer pH 7,2 Laborclin 590338
Penicilin/Streptomicin Sigma Aldrich P4333
Potassium Chloride Merck 1049361000
Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent GE RPN2232
Rabbit IgG, HRP-linked whole Ab (anti-rabbit) GE NA934-1ML
SDS Sigma L5750 Used in RIPA buffer
TEMED GE 17-1312-01
Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) Sigma Aldrich M5655
Tris Sigma T-1378 Used in RIPA buffer
Triton x-100 Sigma X100 Used in RIPA buffer
Ultrapure Water Millipore Sterile water, derived from MiliQ water purification system
Equipment and Material
24-well plates Corning CL S3526 Flat Bottom with Lid
Amersham Potran Premium (nitrocellulose membrane)  GE 29047575
Carbogen Mixture White Martins 95% O2, 5% CO2
CO2 incubator New Brunswick Scientific CO-24 Incubation of slices 5% CO2, 36ºC
Microplate Reader Molecular Devices
Microtubes Greiner 001608 1,5mL microtube
Motorized pestle Kimble Chase
Plastic spoon Size of a dessert spoon
Razor Blade Bic Chrome Platinum, used in slicing with vibratome
Scalpel Blade Becton Dickinson (BD) Number 24 Used for slicing of tissue; recommended same size or smaller
Superglue (Loctite Super Bonder) Henkel Composition: Etilcianoacrilato; 2-Propenoic acid; 6,6'-di-terc-butil-2,2'-metilenodi-p-cresol; homopolymer
Vibratome  Leica 14047235612 – VT1000S
Name of Material/ Equipment for Immunohistochemistry
Antibody anti-NeuN (mouse) Millipore  MAB377 Dilution 1:1,000 in Phosphate Buffer
Antibody anti-GFAP (mouse) Merck MAB360 Dilution 1:1,000 in Phosphate Buffer
Antibody anti-Iba1 (rabbit) Abcam EPR16588 – ab178846 Dilution 1:2,000 in Phosphate Buffer
Biotinylated anti-mouse IgG Antibody (H+L) Vector BA-9200
DAB Sigma Aldrich D-9015
Entellan Merck 107960
Ethanol Merck 1.00983.1000
Gelatin Synth 00G1002.02.AE Used for coating slides
Microtome Leica SM2010R Equipped with Freezing Stage (BFS-10MP, Physiotemp), set to -40ºC
Normal Donkey Serum Jackson Immuno Research 017-000-121
Paraformaldehyde Sigma Aldrich 158127
Rabbit IgG, HRP-linked whole Ab (anti-rabbit) GE NA934-1ML
Slides (Star Frost) Knittel Glaser Gelatin coated slides
Sucrose Vetec 60REAVET017050
Vectastain ABC HRP Kit (Peroxidase, Standard) Vector PK-4000, Kit Standard
Xylene Synth 01X1001.01.BJ


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Fernandes, A., Mendes, N. D., Almeida, G. M., Nogueira, G. O., Machado, C. d. M., Horta-Junior, J. d. A. d. C., Assirati Junior, J. A., Garcia-Cairasco, N., Neder, L., Sebollela, A. Short-Term Free-Floating Slice Cultures from the Adult Human Brain. J. Vis. Exp. (153), e59845, doi:10.3791/59845 (2019).

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