Magnetic Tweezers for the Measurement of Twist and Torque
JoVE Journal
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JoVE Journal Bioengineering
Magnetic Tweezers for the Measurement of Twist and Torque

11:41 min

May 19, 2014

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  • 00:05Title
  • 02:33Measurements of DNA Twist Using the Freely-orbiting Magnetic Tweezers
  • 05:41Measurements of DNA Torque Using the Magnetic Torque Tweezers
  • 09:10FOMT and MTT Results for DNA Bound to RAD51
  • 10:46Conclusion


Automatic Translation

Magnetic tweezers, a powerful single-molecule manipulation technique, can be adapted for the direct measurements of the twist (using a configuration called freely-orbiting magnetic tweezers) and torque (using a configuration termed magnetic torque tweezers) in biological macromolecules. Guidelines for performing such measurements are given, including applications to the study of DNA and associated nucleo-protein filaments.

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