
विच्छेदन और neurite परिणाम Assays के लिए चिकी Statoacoustic नाड़ीग्रन्थि और कोलेजन जैल में स्पाइनल कॉर्ड Explants की संस्कृति

Published: December 20, 2011


हम प्रदर्शन कैसे टुकड़े करना और संस्कृति लड़की E4 statoacoustic नाड़ीग्रन्थि और E6 रीढ़ की हड्डी explants. Explants 24 घंटे के लिए 3 डी कोलेजन जैल में सीरम मुक्त शर्तों के तहत सुसंस्कृत हैं. Neurite जवाबदेही कारक पूरक मध्यम विकास के साथ और प्रोटीन में लिपटे मोतियों के साथ परीक्षण किया है.


The sensory organs of the chicken inner ear are innervated by the peripheral processes of statoacoustic ganglion (SAG) neurons. Sensory organ innervation depends on a combination of axon guidance cues1 and survival factors2 located along the trajectory of growing axons and/or within their sensory organ targets. For example, functional interference with a classic axon guidance signaling pathway, semaphorin-neuropilin, generated misrouting of otic axons3. Also, several growth factors expressed in the sensory targets of the inner ear, including Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), have been manipulated in transgenic animals, again leading to misrouting of SAG axons4. These same molecules promote both survival and neurite outgrowth of chick SAG neurons in vitro5,6.

Here, we describe and demonstrate the in vitro method we are currently using to test the responsiveness of chick SAG neurites to soluble proteins, including known morphogens such as the Wnts, as well as growth factors that are important for promoting SAG neurite outgrowth and neuron survival. Using this model system, we hope to draw conclusions about the effects that secreted ligands can exert on SAG neuron survival and neurite outgrowth.

SAG explants are dissected on embryonic day 4 (E4) and cultured in three-dimensional collagen gels under serum-free conditions for 24 hours. First, neurite responsiveness is tested by culturing explants with protein-supplemented medium. Then, to ask whether point sources of secreted ligands can have directional effects on neurite outgrowth, explants are co-cultured with protein-coated beads and assayed for the ability of the bead to locally promote or inhibit outgrowth. We also include a demonstration of the dissection (modified protocol7) and culture of E6 spinal cord explants. We routinely use spinal cord explants to confirm bioactivity of the proteins and protein-soaked beads, and to verify species cross-reactivity with chick tissue, under the same culture conditions as SAG explants. These in vitro assays are convenient for quickly screening for molecules that exert trophic (survival) or tropic (directional) effects on SAG neurons, especially before performing studies in vivo. Moreover, this method permits the testing of individual molecules under serum-free conditions, with high neuron survival8.


व्यंजनों चिकी Ringers 7.2 छ NaCl 0.23 छ CaCl 2 + 2 हे 2H 0.37 छ KCl .115 छ ना दो चार HPO 900 मिलीलीटर जल (टिशू कल्चर ग्रेड) नोट: 7.4 पीएच …


हम एक विधि टुकड़े करना और संस्कृति E4 शिथिलता और E6 रीढ़ की हड्डी explants, लड़की से सीरम मुक्त शर्तों के तहत, वर्तमान. यह प्रक्रिया वर्तमान में हमारी प्रयोगशाला में प्रयोग किया जाता है शिथिलता न्यूरॉन अस्तित्…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


यह काम राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य अनुदान RO1DC002756 के संस्थानों और पर्ड्यू अनुसंधान फाउंडेशन द्वारा वित्त पोषित किया गया था. हम प्रयोगों और आंकड़ों के साथ मदद के लिए रॉडने McPhail के साथ सलाह के लिए डोरिस वू और Wiese चांग धन्यवाद.


Reagent Company Catalogue number Comment


Dissection microscope


  We use a Leica M80 stereomicroscope with brightfield base illumination
Slide warmer

C.S. & E.

  Collagen polymerization
Chicken egg incubator


37°C/5% CO2 humidified cell culture incubator




Dissection Materials


Sylgard© coated petri dish


24-well cell culture plate


#5 Dumont forceps

Fine Science Tools

#55 Dumont forceps

Fine Science Tools

Stainless steel dissecting pins

Fine Science Tools

26002-10 Embryo pinning, fine dissection
Moria perforated spoon

Fine Science Tools

10370-17 Embryo harvest/transfer
200 µl wide mouth pipet tips

Dot Scientific Inc

118-96R Explant transfer


E4 and E6 chicken eggs


Chick Ringer’s solution


  Embryo harvest


H8264 SAG dissection
L15 medium


L5520 Spinal cord dissection medium
Fetal calf serum

Atlanta Biologicals

S11150 Spinal cord dissection medium
Vannas Scissors

World Precision Instruments

501778 Spinal cord dissection


Collagen preparation


Rat-tail collagen Type I

BD Biosciences

354249 Explant culture
10X PBS (Sterile)


  To neutralize collagen
1N NaOH (Sterile)


  To neutralize collagen
Distilled water (Sterile)


  To neutralize collagen
pH indicator papers (6.0-8.1)


2629-990 To check collagen pH
15 ml conical tubes

Dot Scientific Inc

500 µl wide mouth pipet tips

Dot Scientific Inc

119-R100 To pipet collagen


Explant culture


DMEM/F12 medium


D8437 Explant culture medium


I2521 Medium supplement


15140-122 Medium supplement
CNTF (rat)


C3835 Medium supplement
NT-3 (human)


N1905 Medium supplement
Purified mouse Wnt5a

R&D Systems

Affi-gel Blue gel beads








P6148 Fixation


Triton X-100


T9284 Blocking solution
Sodium azide


S8032 Blocking solution
Calf serum


16170-078 Blocking solution
Mouse monoclonal IgG2b anti-β Tubulin 1+II antibody


T8535 Labels cell bodies and neurites
Alexa fluor 488 goat anti –mouse IgG2b antibody


A21141 Detects β Tubulin antibody
Teflon micro spatula


57949-033 Release collagen gels from well


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Cite This Article
Fantetti, K. N., Fekete, D. M. Dissection and Culture of Chick Statoacoustic Ganglion and Spinal Cord Explants in Collagen Gels for Neurite Outgrowth Assays. J. Vis. Exp. (58), e3600, doi:10.3791/3600 (2011).

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