

Published: October 30, 2014


In this paper we show a method for preparing acute brain slices in physiological temperature, using a conventional physiological solution without special modifications for the cutting (such as adding sucrose) and without intracardial perfusion of the animal before slice preparation.





急性脑切片的方法,因为两个优雅的句子描述Skrede和Westgaard 1,已成为现代神经科学研究的基础之一,并在全球范围内采用无数的变化。切片的质量反映在活每片神经元的数目,该时间周期,在此期间细胞保持它们的电生理学和形态学特性,以及在组织中的完整性。此外,最大持续时间为稳定记录依赖于切片的质量。因此,沿几十年来,原来切断方法有了进一步的发展由个体研究团体切割2-10,常常通过切割的组合物的复杂的修改后,提升片恢复öR恢复解决方案(例如,添加抗坏血酸,硫脲或甚至H 2 O 2),以及心内预灌注动物用冷却的生理溶液。


“热”急性切片制备这里介绍的方法是用于获得高品质的急性脑切片从任何脑区域,包括小脑,皮层,海马,脑干晶核16的一般步骤</ SUP>以及嗅球,无论是在大鼠和小鼠。

值得注意的是,在生理温度下的切片过程要求的切削刀片的振动几乎完全水平,是没有任何结构上的缺陷。这样的精确度可能无法实现与老款切片;在这种情况下,我们建议在进行切片准备在冷冻 – 寒冷的条件下作为低温度似乎使机械损伤,在代谢异常的费用的组织更耐即使。


在本协议中所述的所有实验程序批准了希伯来大学的动物护理和使用委员会。 1.准备的解决方案和工具切片制备1升标准生理溶液(SPS)的含有表1中记载的离子。 制备含有该盐的最终浓度10倍的原液中预先存储玻璃瓶填充有1000毫升去离子水(0.055μS/厘米电导)。添加的盐(氯化钠,氯化钾,KH 2 PO 4,和硫酸镁 ),并搅拌至?…

Representative Results

在所描述的方式制备的切片可用于各种电和光遗传学实验。在图3A和图3C,我们显示一个水平小脑切片和冠状的大脑皮质切片,分别根据微分干涉(DIC)的光学观察的一个代表性的例子。在小脑切片,几种类型的小脑的神经元可以容易地由他们的位置和细胞体的形状识别,允许有针对性的电生理记录。在图3B和3D中 ,例如从在电流钳模式全细胞膜?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to acknowledge the significant contribution Dr. Shiwei Huang (Australian National University) in validating the method. Furthermore, we would like to thank Ms. Kasia Pietrajtis for helpful comments regarding Golgi cells and Mr. Vitaly Lerner for the cortex experimental data. This work was supported by PITN-GA-2009-238686 (CEREBNET), FP7-ICT (REALNET), ELSC and ISF.


Name Company Catalog # Comments
Pentobarbital CTS 170066 Concentration: 60 mg / ml  in physiological saline.
Big scissors  FST 14001-16 Any large scissors or a guillotine with sufficiently sharp edges can be used for decapitation 
Iris scissors  Prestige medical 48,148 Any fine tip scissors can be used, provided the scissor blades are not longer than 1.5 – 2 cm
Fine tip forceps  FST 11254-20
Scalpel  FST 91003-12
Scalpel blade #11 FST 10011-00
Small spatula  Fisher  2350
Filter paper Any laboratory brand can be used.
Petri dishes Duroplan Z231509-1
Glass beakers  SCHOT 10022846
Pasteur pipette  Maple Leaf Brand 14672-029
Super glue  LOCTITE 4091361/1
Slicer Campden 7000-smz
Ceramic slicing blade Campden 7550-1-C
Magnetic heater/stirrer For heating up the SPS for the procedure
Electric kettle For heating up water for temperature control
Slice recovery chamber + heating unit Warner instruments  BSC-HT +  BSC-BUW Home-built models may also be used.
Thermometer For monitoring SPS temperature during dissection and slicing


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Ankri, L., Yarom, Y., Uusisaari, M. Y. Slice It Hot: Acute Adult Brain Slicing in Physiological Temperature. J. Vis. Exp. (92), e52068, doi:10.3791/52068 (2014).

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