We present a protocol to generate primary cultures of murine and human esophageal stromal cells with a myofibroblast phenotype. Cultured cells have spindle shaped morphology, express α-SMA and vimentin, and lack epithelial, hematopoietic and endothelial cell surface markers. Characterized stromal cells can be used in functional studies of epithelial-stromal interactions.
Murine and human esophageal myofibroblasts are generated via enzymatic digestion. Neonate (8-12 day old) murine esophagus is harvested, minced, washed, and subjected to enzymatic digestion with collagenase and dispase for 25 min. Human esophageal resection specimens are stripped of muscularis propria and adventitia and the remaining mucosa is minced, and subjected to enzymatic digestion with collagenase and dispase for up to 6 hr. Cultured cells express α-SMA and vimentin and express desmin weakly or not at all. Culture conditions are not conducive to growth of epithelial, hematopoietic, or endothelial cells. Culture purity is further confirmed by flow cytometric evaluation of cell surface marker expression of potential contaminating hematopoietic and endothelial cells. The described technique is straightforward and results in consistent generation of non-hematopoieitc, non-endothelial stromal cells. Limitations of this technique are inherent to the use of primary cultures in molecular biology studies, i.e., the unavoidable variability encountered among cultures established across different mice or humans. Primary cultures however are a more representative reflection of the in vivo state compared to cell lines. These methods also provide investigators the ability to isolate and culture stromal cells from different clinical and experimental conditions, allowing comparisons between groups. Characterized esophageal stromal cells can also be used in functional studies investigating epithelial-stromal interactions in esophageal disorders.
Epithelial-stromal interactions are involved in the regulation of a variety of gastrointestinal tract functions including mucosal regeneration, repair, fibrosis, and carcinogenesis1,2. These interactions have been best studied in the small intestine and colon and may similarly play a role in esophageal mucosal disorders3. A subpopulation of intestinal and colonic stromal cells termed myofibroblasts has been demonstrated to participate in mediating tissue injury, inflammation and repair4,5. In the distal GI tract, these spindle shaped cells are located adjacent to the basement membrane at the interface between the epithelium and lamina propria and are defined as α-SMA and vimentin positive, pan-cytokeratin negative, and weakly positive or desmin negative5.
The esophageal stroma has not been rigorously characterized at a cellular or molecular level. Our work in the murine esophagus has demonstrated α-SMA and vimentin cells in the esophageal stroma, occasionally subjacent to the squamous epithelium6. Epithelial-stromal interactions have been implicated in esophageal mucosal disorders such as gastro-esophageal mediated injury6 and eosinophilic esophagitis3. Fibrotic strictures are also a known complication of esophageal injury and stromal cells have been implicated in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal fibrosis. Isolation of these cells will help accomplish the necessary studies to investigate deranged signaling pathways.
This submission provides the techniques necessary to establish primary cultures of α-SMA positive, vimentin positive myofibroblasts such that existing gaps in knowledge regarding signaling pathways mediating these interactions can be addressed. The technique described has been successfully used by the authors to establish primary murine colonic myofibroblasts7 and further adapted for establishment of murine6 and human myofibroblast-like esophageal stromal cells.
Herein we describe conditions needed to establish and characterize these cultures established from mouse or human esophagus prior to use in future functional studies. Cultures can be grown and utilized for up at 15 passages. Isolation and establishment of primary cultures via the methods outlined below generates stromal cells with a myofibroblast phenotype; α-SMA, vimentin positive, and weakly positive or negative for desmin, and cytokeratin negative. This phenotype is distinct from the phenotype of the esophageal fibroblast which is predominantly vimentin positive, α-SMA negative3 or the α-SMA positive, vimentin negative phenotype of the muscularis mucosae6.
The protocol to perform animal experiments, the rationale and objectives of the research, were submitted and approved by the University of Southern California Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
The protocol for establishment of primary cultures from de-identified human esophagectomy specimens was approved by the University of Southern California Institutional Review Board.
1. Obtain Mouse or Human Esophagus
2. Isolate Murine and Human Esophageal Stromal Cells
3. Characterize Murine and Human Esophageal Stromal Cells
Esophageal stromal cells isolated using mechanical and enzymatic digestion are initially plated and cultured in 6 well plates. Examination of cells with an inverted microscope within hours of plating demonstrates a mixed cell suspension loosely adherent to the plate bottom (Figure 1A). Over the next 24 hr, spindle-shaped cells firmly adherent to the plate bottom are observed shooting from the mixed cell suspension (Figure 1B).These sprouting cells cover the entire area of a well within 5 days and can be passaged successfully, retaining morphology for at least 15 passages. Spindle-shaped adherent cells are observed at low density (Figure 1C) and when near-confluent (Figure 1D).
Immunostaining of primary cultures of esophageal stromal cells grown in chamber slides demonstrates abundant expression of myofibroblast cytoskeletal markers α-SMA and vimentin (Figure 2), weak expression of desmin, and absent cytokeratin.
Primary cultures of esophageal myofibroblasts can be further examined for cell purity by examination of hematopoietic and endothelial cell surface markers. Forward and side scatter are established for primary murine esophageal stromal cells followed by gating and analysis of live cells for cell surface proteins (Figure 3A). Primary murine esophageal stromal cells lack expression of hematopoietic CD45 (Figure 3B) and endothelial cell CD31 (Figure 3C) cell surface markers.
Figure 1: Primary cultures of murine esophageal stromal cells at different passages. Examination of murine stromal cells with an inverted microscope within hours of isolation and plating demonstrates a cluster of mixed cells loosely adherent cells to the plate bottom (A). After 24-48 hours in culture, spindle-shaped cells sprout from the now adherent cluster (B). Spindle-shaped morphology of adherent cells persists at low (C) and high (D) density. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure. (Figures used with permission from Shaker et al.6).
Figure 2: Murine esophageal stromal cells grown in primary culture express myofibroblast markers α-SMA and vimentin. Primary murine esophageal stromal cells were grown on chamber slides and immunostained for α-SMA and vimentin at moderate (A-C) and low density (D-F). Esophageal stromal cells abundantly express α-SMA (A, D) and vimentin (B, E). Murine esophageal stromal cells co-express these myofibroblast markers (C, F). (Figures used with permission from Shaker et al.6). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Primary cultures of murine esophageal myofibroblasts cells lack hematopoietic and endothelial cell surface markers. The dot plot of murine esophageal stromal cells, demonstrates the FSC and SSC characteristics of this population of cells. A total of 32.4% of events were gated (A), Expression of hematopoietic (CD45) and endothelial (CD31) cell surface markers were evaluated by a single immunostain according to standard staining protocols. Nonspecific staining was determined for each antibody using isotype controls. Primary cultures of murine esophageal stromal cells do not express CD45 (B) or CD31 (C). FSC: forward scatter; SSC: side scatter. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The techniques for primary culture generation are generally similar when using murine or human tissue with mincing and digestion times adapted for tissue size. Our experience with murine tissue suggests that using the methods described above consistently result in successful establishment of primary cultures. Critical steps within the protocol include sterilization of surgical equipment and following standard sterile techniques of tissue culture. The age of the mice is also a critical step. 8 – 12 day old neonates consistently yield successful primary cultures. Stromal cells isolated from younger neonates have not been not been successfully generated. Attempts to establish myofibroblast-like stromal cells from older mice are ongoing. Others have reported successful generation of esophageal fibroblasts from four to eight week old mice8.
Unlike establishment of colonic myofibroblasts, contamination is an infrequent issue in establishment of cultures of murine myofibroblasts when antibiotics are included in the culture medium. Because cultures are established from neonate mice, a limiting factor is small tissue size and stripping of muscularis propria is not readily feasible. On the other hand, in the human esophagus, muscularis propria is easily distinguishable and separated from the muscularis mucosa. The enzymatic digestion and culture conditions are not conducive to growth of immune or epithelial cells in cultures established from mouse or human esophagus. Human resection specimens remain vulnerable to bacterial contamination despite the use antibiotics in the culture medium, perhaps because of the larger quantify of tissue undergoing processing. Following standard tissue culture techniques and rigorously sterilizing surgical instruments mitigates risk of contamination.
The advantage of primary culture is that these cells are relatively unmanipulated and may better reflect the in vivo environment compared to immortalized cell lines9.
The described technique is straight-forward and is within the means of most laboratories. The disadvantage of primary cultures versus cell lines is that cells beyond passage 15 are susceptible to genetic mutation and eventual senescence. In addition,primary cultures obtained from mice or humans have inherent variability not observed in cell lines. Alternative methods for esophageal fibroblast isolation have been described10. Characterization of these cells in culture however has been limited to vimentin expression or have demonstrated cells that express vimentin and are only weakly α-SMA positive10.
Once this technique has been mastered, primary cultures can be established from resection specimens of diseased human esophagus. These methods provide investigators the ability to isolate and culture stromal cells from different clinical and experimental conditions, allowing comparisons between groups. Cultured myofibroblast-like stromal cells can also be potentially adapted for use in organotypic or co-culture models with other cells such as eosinophils3 or in organotypic culture8.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Authors have nothing to disclose.
Name | ||
Tissue culture reagents | ||
HBSS | Sigma Aldrich | H6648 |
dispase | GIBCO, Invitrogen | 17105-041 |
collagenase XI | Sigma-Aldrich | C9407 |
DMEM | GIBCO, Invitrogen | 11965-092 |
sorbitol | Sigma-Aldrich | S1876 |
FBS | Sigma) | F42442 |
transferrin | Roche | 10-652-202-001 |
trypsin/EDTA | Corning | 25-052-Cl |
epidermal growth factor | Sigma-Aldrich | E9644 |
trypsin/EDTA | Corning | 25-052-Cl |
Reagents for immunostaining | ||
goat serum | Sigma Aldrich | G9023 |
Mouse mAB to α-SMA | abcam | ab7817 |
Rabbit pAB to vimentin | abcam | ab45939 |
Cy2 conjugated Goat anti Rabbit | Jackson ImmunoResearch | 111-225-144 |
DAPI | sigma-aldrich | D8417 |
CD31 conjugated to eFluor 450 | ebiosciences | 48-0319-410 |
CD90 conjugated to APC | ebiosciences | 17-0909-41 |
Annexin V and 7AAD | BD Pharmigen | 559763 |
mouse Fc block for CD16/CD32 | BD Pharmigen | 2136662 |
Equipment | ||
5 ml tube | eppendorf | 30108310 |
Motic AE31 inverted microscope | Motic AE31 inverted microscope | Motic AE31 inverted microscope |
Nuaire Biosafety Cabinet and Incubators | Nuaire Biosafety Cabinet and Incubators | Nuaire Biosafety Cabinet and Incubators |
4-well chamber slides | Thermo Scientific | 177437 |
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R | Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R | Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R |
Olympus Vacuum-Driven Filter System | Genesee Scientific | 25-227 |
Nikon Eclipse TE300 Fluorescent Microscope | Nikon Eclipse TE300 Fluorescent Microscope (Tokyo, Japan) | |
6 well plates | Corning | 3516 |
T25 Flasks | TRP | 90026 |
T75 Flasks | Corning | 43064 |
Dissection Scissors | Dissection Scissors | Dissection Scissors |
Dissection Forceps | Dissection Forceps | Dissection Forceps |
Single Tipped Q-Tips | Kendall | 540500 |
T75 Flasks | Corning | 43064 |
Software | ||
Metamorph software (Molecular Devices) | Molecular Devices | |
FACSCAlibur | BD Bioscience | |
FACSVerse | BD Bioscience |