Here, we craft a glass pipette with dual functions: inhibition of deep brain structures by microinjections of drugs and real-time monitoring of their effects through simultaneous electrophysiological recordings.
Here we describe a method for the construction of a single-use “injectrode” using commercially accessible and affordable parts. A probing system was developed that allows for the injection of a drug while recording electrophysiological signals from the affected neuronal population. This method provides a simple and economical alternative to commercial solutions. A glass pipette was modified by combining it with a hypodermic needle and a silver filament. The injectrode is attached to commercial microsyringe pump for drug delivery. This results in a technique that provides real-time pharmacodynamics feedback through multi-unit extracellular signals originating from the site of drug delivery. As a proof of concept, we recorded neuronal activity from the superior colliculus elicited by flashes of light in rats, concomitantly with delivery of drugs through the injectrode. The injectrode recording capacity permits the functional characterization of the injection site favoring precise control over the localization of drug delivery. Application of this method also extends far beyond what is demonstrated here, as the choice of chemical substance loaded into the injectrode is vast, including tracing markers for anatomic experiments.
The inactivation of cortical areas and sub-cortical nuclei is important in the study of functional relations between various brain structures2-4. Recent literature has employed loss-of-function chemical or cryogenic techniques to study the role of brain structures2,5. In regard to pharmacological microinjections, small volumes of drugs can be administered into a brain region at a controlled rate while minimizing the collateral damage to the surrounding tissue6,7. This technique can be used to deliver specific agonists, inverse agonists or antagonists to study the effect of different pharmacological targets on neuronal activity. Such effects can also be studied by measuring changes in neuronal responses from distant locations, allowing researchers to study the relationships between different cortical and subcortical structures.
Here, we demonstrate the assembly of a device, the injectrode, capable of both recording electrophysiological signals and delivering small amounts of drugs at the target location. We demonstrate the capabilities of this system by injecting GABA, a common inhibitor of neuronal activity, in the rat superior colliculus. This region is sensitive to visual stimulation, which allowed us to use visually evoked multiunit activity to confirm injectrode localization. The reversibility of the inactivation was assessed by the recovery of normal neuronal activity following the end of GABA injection.
The ability to monitor multi-unit activity from the injection site allows for the fine tuning of the injection rates and volumes needed to achieve the desired pharmacodynamic response. Therefore, an advantage of this technique is the potential limiting of tissue damage caused by microperfusion, since the smallest effective volumes are injected. The proposed protocol provides a cost efficient method for generating the disposable hardware necessary for conducting experiments where drug delivery and local neuronal activity recording is desired.
NOTE: All procedures were performed in accordance with the directives of the Canadian Council for the Protection of Animals and the Ethics review board of the Université de Montréal.
1. Assembly of the Recording-injection Pipette
NOTE: This procedure is done on acute experiments and sterilization of the pipette tip is not required.
2. Animal Preparation
3. Filling and Mounting of the Injection System
4. Injection and Reversible Inactivation
The construction of the injectrode is illustrated in Figure 1. A silver wire (C) is fed into a glass pipette (D) with a portion of the wire bent and protruding out from the opening. A 30 G needle (B) is attached and sealed to the opening of the glass pipette with glue. After the pipette has been filled with the injection substance, a glass micro syringe (A) is attached to the needle. It is important that there is a good seal where the micro syringe connects with the needle (E) and where the silver wire protrudes from the glass pipette (F). Figure 2 shows a photograph of what the injectrode looks like after completing assembly.
Visually evoked multiunit activity were obtained in the superior colliculus following a 300 msec flash to the contralateral eye as illustrated in Figure 3. Upon the injection of GABA, spiking activity in response to a flash stimulus was suppressed. visually evoked multiunit activity typically returned between 45 to 60 min after injection has ceased.
Figure 4 illustrates the setup of the microinjection system. The injection pump controller allows the user to specify the settings for injection. A spring electrical connector connects the silver wire that protrudes from the glass pipette. The connector leads to a head stage with ground and reference electrodes and then plugged into an amplifier. An analog/digital (A/D) interface is used to acquire the electrophysiological data, and a speaker is used for complementary audio monitoring of neuronal activity.
Figure 1: Schematic representation of the injectrode assembly. A micro syringe (A) is attached to the recording-injection pipette which consist of a 30 G hypodermic needle (B) adhered to a silver wire (C) inside a glass pipette (D). Regions circled (E–F) highlight areas that may be susceptible to leaks.
Figure 2: A photo of the constructed pipette using a 30 G needle (B), waterproof adhesive glue (F), a silver wire (C) and a glass pipette (D).
Figure 3: An illustration of the inhibitory effect of the injection of GABA (300 µM) on visually evoked multi-unit activity in the superior colliculus, arrows indicate flash onset. Electrical signals were filtered using a band-pass filter set between 30 and 3,000 Hz.
Figure 4: Schematic representation of the complete micro-injection system.
The proposed protocol was designed to solve the challenges arising from current reversible inactivation methods. Specifically, this project aimed at refining the methods used for chemical microinjections of substances modulating neural activity, particularly in deep brain structures. A technical challenge emerging from this type of setup is the need for both probes to be colocalized in the same restricted space in vivo in order to derive precise recordings at the injection site. This issue can be overcome by using devices, such as the one presented here, which are capable of both injection and recording at the same site. Alternative methods include the use of devices based on gas pressure pulses. Such tools have been available for many years, but the use of a compressible intermediate reduces the control over injection rates and volumes, two parameters that are important to control to insure reversibility. Other methods such as iontophoretic injection systems are also available, but the diffusion dynamics of the liquid are different versus bolus injection, reducing the potential range of inactivation. These methods have the advantage of having a spherical diffusion pattern as opposed to the elliptical pattern observed for micro-injections7. Hence, the choice of the inactivation method should be planned according to the target region and the experimental design. Even though commercial alternatives exist, the proposed protocol provides a cost efficient manner of monitoring the pharmaceutical substance delivery as well as allowing for a high degree of customization. Such freedom in the crafting of the injection device favors a large range of experimental flexibility and tuning for specific application contexts.
With regards to the proposed protocol, the critical step is the process of filling the glass pipette. Air bubbles should be avoided, as air compression will render the monitoring of injected volumes intractable. A very minimal resistance should also be felt when manually pushing liquid through the pipette, confirming free flow in the system. An absence of liquid with manual injection may indicate a leak in the system or incorrect pipette preparation resulting in an obstructed tip. The impedance of the pipette should also be measured in order to obtain the desired type electrophysiological recording (LFP, evoked potentials, multi-unit activity, etc.), as larger tips sizes will result in lower impedances.
If the injection is successful, a volume of 400 to 800 nl of the 300 μM GABA solution or the 2% lidocaine solution is enough to abolish spiking activity. To have an idea of the injection spread in space and time, agar can be used to simulate nervous tissue. The spread of the injection can then be easily observed with a CSB solution. After simulations, it is essential to characterize injection spread histologically through the use of dyes such as CSB, by autoradiography using radiolabeled drugs or by using metabolic approaches such as glucose autoradiography as indirect proxies to measure activation or inactivation of neural activity1.
It is also important to note that fast injections (≥100 nl/min) will likely result in lesions making full reversibility unattainable. A major advantage of the proposed protocol is the potential of integrating the injection system with software that would feedback-control the injection rate for a set neuronal activity level. Such an implementation would allow researchers to focus on the inactivation (or activation) parameters rather than on technical parameters such as injection rates or volumes while delivering only the right amount of drug for the considered application. This would minimize probe displacement by optimizing the required drug volume, allow for more time-sensitive control of the drug delivery, favor reproducibility and allow direct-paired comparison of data.
This technique combines a system for substance delivery and recording of electrophysiological signals. We demonstrated its efficacy by using the recording capacity of our pipette to functionally locate the superior colliculus by inducing trains of multi-unit activity using flash stimuli11. During inactivation, multi-unit activity diminished and gradually recovered after injection offset. Reversible inactivation techniques, such as the one presented here, provide considerable advantages over mechanical or chemical lesions techniques that provide absent or poor recovery3. Reversible inactivation techniques reinforce the statistical significance of experiments since paired comparisons are possible3, thereby eliminating idiosyncratic differences. We have developed a cost efficient and customizable technique that allows precise control over the duration of the substance delivery and the robust probing of a target cerebral area.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Supported by grants from CIHR (MOP231122) and NSERC (RGPIN-2014-06503). We would like to thank Geneviève Cyr for her help preparing experiments and supervising laboratory work. MAL received a scholarship from The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Name of the reagent | Company | Catalogue number | Comments (optional) |
Injection pump (UltraMicroPump III) | WPI | #UMP3 | |
Injection console (Micro4 Controller) | WPI | #SYS-MICRO4 | |
Hamilton syringe | Hamliton | (80301) 701LT 10 µL SYR | Syringes between 5 and 10 μL used |
Gel cyanoacrylate adhesive | Krazy Glue | KG86648R | The gel form is easier to apply on the shaft of the 30G hypodermic needle |
Glass pipettes | WPI | #TW100F-4 | Thin wall, 1mm OD, 0.75mm ID with filament pipettes used |
720 Needle Pipette Puller | Kopf | 720 | |
Silver wire | A-M Systems, Inc. | 782500 | Bare 0.010” |