

Published: May 15, 2019













注: 次のプロトコルは、1 人のユーザーがセットアップし、観察を行い、サンプルを収集するように設計されています。同じセットアップの複数の実行を組み合わせて生物学的複製を増やすことができます。実験の追加の繰り返しは、遺伝子発現に対する可能な日次的影響を排除するために、1日の同時に設定する必要があります。プロトコルは、5つの別々の収穫時間ポイントのための3つの「…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.






agar substitute PhytoTechnology Laboratories G3251 product is Gelzan
containment vessel (6,12 or 24 well dish) Fisher Scientific  08-772-49, 08-772-50, 08-72-51 many other companies sell these products
manduca eggs  Carolina Biological Supply Company 143880 30-50 eggs
manduca eggs  Great Lakes Hornworm NA 50, 100, 250 or 500 eggs
manduca larvae Carolina Biological Supply Company call for specific larval instar requests any instar
manduca larvae Great Lakes Hornworm call for specific larval instar requests any instar
microcentrifuge tubes, 1.7 ml  Thomas Scientific 1158R22 these have been tested in liquid N2 and will not explode
Murashige & Skoog (MS) Basal Medium w/Vitamins PhytoTechnology Laboratories M519 used to make propagation medium
nutrient agar mix PhytoTechnology Laboratories M5825 product is Murashige & Skoog Basal Medium with vitamins, sucrose, and Gelzan
paper filter discs Fisher Scientific  09-805A Whatman circles-purchase to fit in petri dish
petri dish, 60X15 mm or 100X15 mm Fisher Scientific  FB0875713A or FB0875712 purchase size appropriate for leaf size
potato tubers  any B size (not organic) suggest Maine Farmer’s Exchange
pots, 10"  Griffin Greenhouse Supplies, Inc. 41PT1000CN2
preservative/biocide Plant Cell Technology NA product is PPM (Plant Preservative Mixture)
seed potatoes for explant source any B size (not organic) suggest Maine Farmer’s Exchange
slow release fertilizer (14-14-14 ) any NA Osmocote is a popular brand name
soft touch forceps BioQuip 4750
soil mix Griffin Greenhouse Supplies, Inc. 65-51121 product is Sunshine LC1 mix
sterile culture vessel  PhytoTechnology Laboratories C2100 Magenta-type vessel, PTL-100
sterile culture vessel  Fisher Scientific  ICN2672206 product is MP Biomedicals Plantcon


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Cite This Article
Novak, N. G., Perez, F. G., Jones, R. W., Lawrence, S. D. Detached Leaf Assays to Simplify Gene Expression Studies in Potato During Infestation by Chewing Insect Manduca sexta. J. Vis. Exp. (147), e59153, doi:10.3791/59153 (2019).

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