

Published: November 12, 2012




由于大多数大分子组件,系统识别的蛋白-蛋白相互作用(PPI)和确定的亚基组成的多蛋白复合物,可以帮助了解基因的功能和增进了解的生物系统1,2介导的细胞过程。可以被映射的物理相互作用,与高的信心vialarge规模接近生理条件下,基于与质谱(APMS)亲和纯化的染色体标记的蛋白质组合的内源性蛋白复合物的分离和鉴定的。这种方法已成功地应用在进化上不同的生物,包括酵母,果蝇,蠕虫病毒,哺乳动物细胞和细菌1-6。特别是,我们已经产生了一个羧基末端的顺序肽亲和(SPA)亲和纯化的天然蛋白复合物从培养革兰阴性大肠杆菌双标记系统,使用GEnetically听话的主机实验室菌株全基因组调查的基本生物学和保守的过程中原核生物1,2,7,非常适合。我们的SPA标记系统是类似于酵母8,9最初开发的串联亲和纯化方法,由钙调蛋白结合肽(CBP)的后跟的高度特异性的烟草蚀刻病毒 (TEV)蛋白酶的切割位点和三个副本FLAG表位(3X FLAG),允许两个连续两轮亲和富集。盒扩增后,序列特异性的线性编码的SPA-tag和可选择标记的PCR产物是集成的,表示帧作为羧基末端融合在DY330背景下,瞬时表达被诱导高效率的异源λ噬菌体重组系统10。随后的双步纯化使用调钙蛋白和抗FLAG亲和珠使高度选择性甚至大型文化低丰度蛋白复合物和有效的恢复。串联质谱法,然后使用,以确定稳定地共同净化蛋白具有高灵敏度(低纳克检出限)。

在这里,我们将详细介绍一步一步的程序,我们通常使用的系统蛋白标记,分离纯化和质谱为基础的分析可溶性蛋白复合物E.大肠杆菌 ,可以按比例增加和潜在的针对其他细菌物种,包括某些服从重组工程的机会病原体。由此产生的物理相互作用通常可以发现有趣的组件和连接提出新的机械链接。 PPI数据整合与的备用分子协会提供的数据,如遗传(基因 – 基因)的相互作用和基因组上下文(GC)的预测可以方便的多蛋白复合物的的全球分子组织的澄清在BI目的论的途径。 E.产生的网络大肠杆菌可以使用的功能结构,其他微生物的同源基因产品的功能注释目前缺乏深入了解。


1。 SPA标记基因特异性E.建设大肠杆菌 DY330应变包围的质粒pJL148 SPA-标签的DNA序列和卡那霉素的抗生素抗性标记盒(阚R)被用作聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增7中的一个模板。一名45 nt的特定基因的正向引物,位于紧接在帧的目标基因的终止密码子的上游侧与一个27 bp的(5'-AGCTGGAGGATCCATGGAAAAGAGAAG -3')标记特定的正向引物,和一个45 nt的基因特异的反向引物,位?…

Representative Results

Once tagged bait proteins, which are expressed at endogenous levels are affinity-purified from logarithmic phase cultures the samples were run on a silver-stain gel to visualize the individual polypeptide components of the isolated stable complexes. We also subjected a second portion of the affinity-purified protein samples to gel-free tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS) to identify the corresponding polypeptide sequences. The effectiveness of this APMS procedure is shown with a representative SDS-PAGE analysis of the compon…


这里所描述的一个关键方面SPA基于APMS方法的的标记内的天然染色体背景下进行,从而确保维持正常的基因调节( 原生饵子保存的,因此,表达水平不扰动)和本机稳定相关蛋白质复合物中回收在近内源性水平。正负极性问题,也避免包括选择标记朝外启动。这SPA-标记的方法是有效的,足以净化组件的低丰度的配合物不久的均匀性,包括膜相关的组件,即使亚基表达下降到只有几个分子?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作是从加拿大安大略基因组研究所,加拿大基因组,创新,创新的安大略省,加拿大卫生研究院研究补助金JG和AE红表示E.基金会的资金支持coli菌株DY330从Donald L.法院(美国国家癌症研究所,冯检基,MD)是一种礼物。


Materials Vendor and Catalog Numbers  
      I. Antibiotics
Kanamycin Bioshop #KAN201  
Ampicillin Bioshop #AMP201  
      2. Terrific-Broth medium
Bio-Tryptone Bioshop #TRP 402  
Yeast extract Bioshop #YEX 555  
Glycerol Bioshop #GLY 002  
K2HPO4 Bioshop #PPM 302  
KH2PO4 Bioshop #PPM 303  
      3. Bacterial Strain and Plasmid
DY330   Yu et al. (2000)10  
pJL148   Zeghouf et al. (2004)7  
      4. PCR and Electrophoresis Reagents
Taq DNA polymerase Fermentas # EP0281  
10 X PCR buffer Fermentas # EP0281  
10 mM dNTPs Fermentas # EP0281  
25 mM MgCl2 Fermentas # EP0281  
Agarose Bioshop # AGA002  
Loading dye NEB #B7021S  
Ethidium bromide Bioshop # ETB444  
10X TBE buffer Thermo Scientific #28355  
Tris Base Bioshop #TRS001  
Boric acid Bioshop #BOR001  
0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0) Sigma # E6768  
DNA ladder NEB #N3232L  
      5. Plasmid isolation and Clean-up Kits
Plasmid Midi kit Qiagen #12143  
QIAquick PCR purification kit Qiagen #28104  
      6. PCR and Transformation Equipments
Thermal cycler BioRad iCycler  
Agarose gel electrophoresis BioRad    
Electroporator Bio-Rad GenePulser II  
0.2 cm electroporation cuvette Bio-Rad    
42 °C water bath shaker   Innova 3100  
Beckman Coulter TJ-25 centrifuge Beckman Coulter TS-5.1-500  
32 °C Shaker New Brunswick Scientific, USA    
32 °C large Shaker New Brunswick Scientific, USA    
32 °C plate incubator Fisher Scientific    
      7. Electrophoresis and Western blotting
Acrylamide monomer, N,N’- methylenebis-acrylamide Bio-Rad #161-0125  
Ammonium persulfate Bioshop # AMP001  
n-butanol Sigma # B7906  
TEMED Bioshop #TEM001  
Whatman No. 1 filter paper Fischer Scientific #09-806A  
Mini protean 3 cell Bio-Rad #165-3301  
iBlot gel transfer device Invitrogen #IB1001  
Nitrocellulose membranes Bio-Rad #162-0115  
Monoclonal Anti-Flag M2 antibody Sigma #F3165  
Horseradish peroxidase Amersham #NA931V  
Pre-stained protein molecular weight standards Bio-Rad #161-0363  
Chemiluminescence reagent PIERCE #1856136  
Autoradiography film Clonex Corp #CLEC810  
Quick Draw blotting paper Sigma #P7796  
C2 platform rocking shaker New Brunswick Scientific, USA    
      8. Sonication Equipment and Reagents
Sonicator Branson Ultrasonic #23395  
NaCl Bioshop #SOD001  
Protease inhibitors Roche #800-363-5887  
0.5 mM TCEP-HCl Thermo Scientific #20490  
      9. Affinity Purification Reagents and Equipment
0.8 x 4 cm Bio-Rad polypropylene column Bio-Rad #732-6008  
Benzonase nuclease Novagen #70746  
Anti-FLAG M2 agarose beads Sigma #A2220  
Calmodulin-sepharose beads GE Healthcare #17-0529-01  
TEV protease Invitrogen #12575-015  
Triton X-100 Sigma #T9284  
CaCl2 Sigma #C2661  
EGTA Sigma #E3889  
LabQuake Shaker Thermolyne #59558  
      10. Silver Staining Reagents
Methanol Bioshop #MET302  
Acetic acid Bioshop t#ACE222  
Sodium-thiosulfate Sigma #S-7143  
Silver nitrate Fischer Scientific #S181-100  
Formaldehyde Bioshop #FOR201  
Sodium carbonate Bioshop #SOC512  
      11. Reagents and Equipment for Protein Identification
Trypsin Gold, Mass Spectrometry Grade Promega # V5280  
50 mM NH4HCO3 Bioshop #AMC555  
1 mM CaCl2 Bioshop #CCL302  
Acetonitrile Sigma #A998-4  
Formic acid Sigma #F0507  
HPLC grade water Sigma #95304  
Iodoacetamide Sigma #16125  
Millipore Zip-Tip Millipore # ZTC18M960  
~10 cm of 3 μm Luna-C18 resin Phenomenex    
Proxeon nano HPLC pump Thermo Fisher Scientific    
LTQ Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer   Thermo Fisher Scientific  
      12. Labware
4 liter conical flasks VWR #89000-372  
50 ml polypropylene falcon tubes Any Vendor    
1.5 ml micro-centrifuge tubes Any Vendor    
250 ml conical flaks VWR #29140-045  
15 ml sterile culture tubes Thermo Scientific #366052  
Cryogenic vials VWR #479-3221  
-80 °C freezer Fisher Scientific #13-990-14  
Speed vacuum system Thermo Scientific    

Buffers and Solutions

1. 1 liter Terrific Broth (TB) media

11 g Bio-Tryptone
22 g Yeast Extract
2% Glycerol
50 ml potassium salt stock solution

2. Potassium Salt Stock Solution

1.5 M K2HPO4
0.35 M KH2PO4

3. Sonication Buffer

20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9)
150 mM NaCl
0.2 mM EDTA
10% Glycerol
Before use add protease inhibitor (PI) and 0.1-0.5 mM TCEP

4. AFC buffer

30 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9)
150 mM NaCl
0.1% detergent
Before use add PI and 0.1-0.5 mM TCEP

5. TEV cleavage buffer

30 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9)
150 mM NaCl
0.2 mM EDTA
0.1% detergent
Before use add PI and 0.1-0.5 mM TCEP

6. Calmodulin binding buffer

30 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9)
150 mM NaCl
2 mM CaCl2
0.1% detergent
Before use add PI and 0.1-0.5 mM TCEP

7. Calmodulin wash buffer

30 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.9
150 mM NaCl
2 mM CaCl2
0.1-0.5 mM TCEP

8. Calmodulin elution buffer

30 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9)
100 mM NaCl
10 mM EGTA
0.1-0.5 mM TCEP

9. Developing solution (1L)

37% Formaldehyde
30 g sodium carbonate
1000 ml distilled water

10. Digestion buffer

50 mM NH4HCO3
1 mM CaCl2

11. Wetting and Equilibration solution

70% acetonitrile (ACN) in 0.1% formic acid

12. Washing solution

100% H2O in 0.1% formic acid


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Cite This Article
Babu, M., Kagan, O., Guo, H., Greenblatt, J., Emili, A. Identification of Protein Complexes in Escherichia coli using Sequential Peptide Affinity Purification in Combination with Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J. Vis. Exp. (69), e4057, doi:10.3791/4057 (2012).

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