This manuscript details a straightforward dot blot assay for quantitation of adeno-associated virus (AAV) titers and its application to study the role of assembly-activating proteins (AAPs), a novel class of non-structural viral proteins found in all AAV serotypes, in promoting the assembly of capsids derived from cognate and heterologous AAV serotypes.
While adeno-associated virus (AAV) is widely accepted as an attractive vector for gene therapy, it also serves as a model virus for understanding virus biology. In the latter respect, the recent discovery of a non-structural AAV protein, termed assembly-activating protein (AAP), has shed new light on the processes involved in assembly of the viral capsid VP proteins into a capsid. Although many AAV serotypes require AAP for assembly, we have recently reported that AAV4, 5, and 11 are exceptions to this rule. Furthermore, we demonstrated that AAPs and assembled capsids of different serotypes localize to different subcellular compartments. This unexpected heterogeneity in the biological properties and functional roles of AAPs among different AAV serotypes underscores the importance of studies on AAPs derived from diverse serotypes. This manuscript details a straightforward dot blot assay for AAV quantitation and its application to assess AAP dependency and serotype specificity in capsid assembly. To demonstrate the utility of this dot blot assay, we set out to characterize capsid assembly and AAP dependency of Snake AAV, a previously uncharacterized reptile AAV, as well as AAV5 and AAV9, which have previously been shown to be AAP-independent and AAP-dependent serotypes, respectively. The assay revealed that Snake AAV capsid assembly requires Snake AAP and cannot be promoted by AAPs from AAV5 and AAV9. The assay also showed that, unlike many of the common serotype AAPs that promote heterologous capsid assembly by cross-complementation, Snake AAP does not promote assembly of AAV9 capsids. In addition, we show that the choice of nuclease significantly affects the readout of the dot blot assay, and thus, choosing an optimal enzyme is critical for successful assessment of AAV titers.
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a small, non-enveloped, single-stranded DNA virus with a genome of approximately 4.7 kilobases (kb). The AAV genome contains open-reading frames (ORFs) for the rep and cap genes. In 2010, a previously unidentified nonstructural protein encoded by a +1 frame-shifted ORF within the AAV2 cap gene was discovered by Sonntag et al. and found to play a critical role in the assembly of AAV2 capsid VP monomer proteins into a viral capsid1. This novel protein has been named assembly-activating protein (AAP) after the role it plays in promoting capsid assembly1.
The ORFs for AAP have been identified bioinformatically in the genomes of all parvoviruses within the genus Dependoparvovirus, but not within the genomes of viruses of different genera of the parvovirus family1,2. Functional studies of this novel protein were initially focused on the AAP from the prototype AAV2 (AAP2), which has established the essential role of AAP2 in targeting unassembled VP proteins to the nucleolus for their accumulation and formation into fully assembled capsids1,3,4. The inability of the AAV2 capsids to assemble in the absence of AAP expression has been independently confirmed by multiple groups, including ours1,2,3,4,5. Subsequent studies on AAV serotypes 1, 8, and 9 corroborated the critical role of AAPs in capsid assembly, as VP3 monomer proteins of AAV1, 8, and 9 were unable to form a fully assembled capsid in the absence of co-expression of AAP2.
Recently, through approaches that include the use of quantitative dot blot assays, we investigated the ability of AAV1 to 12 VP3 monomers to assemble into capsids in the absence of AAP expression and the ability of AAP1 to 12 to promote assembly of VP3 monomers from heterologous serotypes. This study has revealed that AAV4, 5, and 11 VP3 monomers can assemble without AAP. Additionally, it was found that eight out of the twelve AAP serotypes we examined (i.e., all but AAP4, 5, 11, and 12) displayed a broad ability to support capsid assembly of heterologous AAV serotype capsids, while AAP4, 5, 11 and 12 displayed a substantially limited ability in this regard6. These four serotypes are phylogenetically distant from the other AAP serotypes2,3. Moreover, the study has uncovered significant heterogeneity in subcellular localizations of different AAPs6. Furthermore, the study has suggested that the tight association of AAP with assembled capsids and the nucleolus, the hallmark of AAV2 capsid assembly, cannot necessarily be extended to other serotypes including AAV5, 8, and 9, which display nucleolar exclusion of assembled capsids6. Thus, the information gained from the study of any particular serotype AAP is not broadly applicable to all AAP biology. Such puzzling nature of AAP biology underscores the need to investigate the role and function of each AAP from both canonical and non-canonical AAV serotypes.
The biological role of AAP in capsid assembly can be assessed by determining the fully-packaged AAV viral particle titers produced in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, the most commonly used cell line for AAV vector production, with or without AAP protein expression. The standard methods for AAV quantitation are quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based assays7,8 and quantitative dot blot-based assays9. Other methods for AAV viral particle quantitation such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay10,11 or optical density measurement12 are not ideal for samples derived from many different AAV serotypes or samples contaminated with impurities (crude lysates or culture media), which are often the samples used for AAV research. Currently, qPCR is most widely used for AAV quantitation; however, it is necessary to acknowledge potential caveats of the qPCR-based assay, as the assay can result in systemic errors and significant titer variations13,14. PCR-based assays are affected by a number of potentially confounding factors, such as the presence of covalently closed terminal hairpins in PCR templates that inhibit amplification13. Even an experienced individual can introduce potential confounding factors into a qPCR-based assay unknowingly13. In contrast, quantitative dot blot assays are a classical molecular biology technique that does not involve genome amplification and uses a much simpler principle with a minimal risk of errors as compared to qPCR-based assays. The method is less technically challenging; therefore, the assay results are reasonably reproducible even by inexperienced individuals.
In this report, we describe the methodological details of a quantitative dot blot assay we routinely use for AAV vector quantitation and provide an example of how to apply the assay to study the assembly-promoting role of AAPs in common serotypes (AAV5 and AAV9) and a previously uncharacterized AAP from Snake AAV14. In nature, AAV VP proteins and AAP proteins are expressed in cis from a single gene (i.e., VP-AAP cis-complementation), while in the assay described here, VP and AAP proteins are supplied in trans from two separate plasmids (i.e., VP-AAP trans-complementation). Since each VP or AAP protein from different serotypes can be expressed from each independent plasmid, it becomes possible to test heterologous VP-AAP combinations for capsid assembly (i.e., VP-AAP cross-complementation). Briefly, AAV VP3 from various serotypes is expressed in HEK 293 cells by plasmid DNA transfection to package an AAV vector genome in the presence or absence of the cognate serotype AAP, or in the presence of a heterologous serotype AAP. Following production, culture media and cell lysates are subjected to a dot blot assay to quantify the viral genome within the capsid shell. The first step of the dot blot assay is to treat samples with a nuclease to remove contaminating plasmid DNAs and unpackaged AAV genomes in samples. Failure to do so would increase the background signals in particular when unpurified samples are assayed. This is then followed by a protease treatment to break viral capsids and release nuclease-resistant viral genomes into sample solutions. Next, viral genomes are denatured, blotted on a membrane, and hybridized with a viral genome-specific DNA probe for quantitation. In the example assay reported here, we demonstrate that Snake AAV VP3 requires Snake AAP for capsid assembly and that Snake AAP does not promote the assembly of AAV9 capsids unlike many of the AAPs derived from AAP-dependent serotypes that can also promote assembly of heterologous serotype capsids. Lastly, we report an important caveat to qPCR or dot blot-based AAV quantitation assays that the choice of nuclease significantly affects the assay results.
NOTE: Recipes for the solutions and buffers needed for this protocol are provided in Table 1. The protocol described below is for the VP-AAP cross-complementation dot blot assay to study the roles of the AAP proteins in capsid assembly. The method for the more generic quantitative dot blot assay for purified AAV vector titration is explained in the Representative Results section.
1. Construction of VP3, AAP, and AAV2 Rep Expressing Plasmids
2. Production of AAV in HEK 293 Cells by Plasmid DNA Transfection (Cross-complementation Assay)
3. Dot Blot Assay for AAV Quantitation
A representative result of quantitative dot blots for quantitation of purified AAV vector stocks produced on a large scale is shown in Figure 1. With this dot blot assay, the titer of a double-stranded AAV2G9-CMV-GFP vector stock was determined. The vector was purified by two rounds of cesium chloride (CsCl) density-gradient ultracentrifugation followed by dialysis as previously described20. In general, for purified AAV vector stocks, three different volumes of each AAV vector stock (e.g., 0.3 µL, 0.1 µL, and 0.03 µL) are subjected to the dot blot procedure described above in duplicate with a modification. DNase I Enzyme A is used in place of S. marcescens endonuclease in step 3.2, and a commercially available kit to extract and purify viral DNA is used in step 3.4 (see Table of Materials). In the example shown in Figure 1, signal intensity values (arbitrary unit) obtained from each plasmid DNA standard (Figure 1A) were plotted against the known DNA quantities to draw a standard curve (Figure 1B), showing a correlation coefficient of 0.998. Using this standard curve, it was determined by interpolation that 0.3, 0.1 and 0.03 µL aliquots of the AAV2G9 vector showed 1.487 and 1.522 ng-eq (0.3 µL), 0.487 and 0.507 ng-eq (0.1 µL), and 0.158 and 0.171 ng-eq (0.03 µL). This gave the following six values: 4.957, 5.073, 4.870, 5.070, 5.267, and 5.700 ng-eq/µL for this particular AAV2G9 vector stock, leading to an average of 5.16 ± 0.27 ng-eq/µL (mean ± SD). Since the length of the plasmid used as the standard (pEMBL-CMV-GFP) is 5,848 bp, the titer of this AAV2G9 vector was determined to be 8.0 x 1011 vg/mL according to Equation 2 in step 3.8.2. This assay is repeated at least twice to determine the final titers of AAV vector stocks.
A representative result of cross-complementation assays to assess the AAP dependency in VP3 capsid assembly and the ability for AAPs to assemble VP3 proteins of heterologous origins is displayed in Figure 2. In vitro studies of AAV often do not require virus purification to make conclusions, and experiments using unpurified virus preparations such as crude cell lysates and virus-containing culture media are sufficient to yield meaningful results. In this experiment, AAV viral particle production was assessed from all possible AAV VP3-AAP combinations among AAV5, AAV9, and Snake AAV including VP3-no AAP combinations by a quantitative dot blot assay. The samples obtained in a duplicated set of an experiment were blotted at 1x and 10x dilutions (Set A and Set B in Figure 2A, respectively). The graph shown in Figure 2B summarizes the quantitative analysis of the dots. The results show that: (1) AAV5VP3 assembles regardless of whether AAP was provided in trans, (2) AAP5 and AAP9 can promote AAV9VP3 capsid assembly although AAP5 functions less effectively than AAP9, (3) neither AAP5 nor AAP9 exhibits an assembly promoting activity on Snake AAV VP3, and (4) Snake AAP only promotes assembly of Snake AAV VP3. (1) and (2) are in line with previous observations6, but the uniquely specific AAV VP3-AAP interaction in Snake AAV is a novel discovery in this experiment. One weakness of the cross-complementation assay based on quantitative dot blot is that the negative control always shows appreciable levels of background signals that cannot be totally eliminated. Therefore, the dot blot assay by itself cannot exclude the possibility that capsid assembles to a level below the sensitivity of the assay. In this regard, it should be noted that, to generate the negative controls, a condition is used under which AAV viral genomes exponentially replicate in the absence of the capsid VP3 protein. Such negative controls can be generated by transfecting HEK 293 cells with pAAV-Reporter, pHLP-Rep, and pHelper (Table 2), and are used to reduce false positives.
DNase I has been widely used as a nuclease in dot blot and qPCR-based assays for AAV quantitation to remove residual plasmid DNAs and unpackaged viral genomes that have contaminated AAV preparations. These contaminants would otherwise lead to an overestimation of titers; therefore, the nuclease digestion is a very important step for accurately quantifying viral genome titers. DNase I enzymes are available from various manufacturers and commercial vendors; however, the importance of the selection of DNase I in AAV quantitation appears to have been underappreciated. To investigate how the choice of nuclease might affect the outcomes of the dot blot assay, the following three nucleases were compared for their ability to remove background signals from the AAV vector-containing culture media prepared as described above in steps 2 and 3: DNase I Enzyme A, DNase I Enzyme B, and S. marcescens endonuclease (Table of Materials). Published studies have used the former two DNase I enzymes13,21,22,23,24 and we have been using S. marcescens endonuclease in previous and current studies. To our surprise, it was identified that DNase I Enzyme A is not at all an appropriate choice for the dot blot assay using the virus-containing media in the various conditions tested, resulting in high background signals from the negative control, while DNase I Enzyme B and S. marcescens endonuclease effectively reduced the background signals with DNase I Enzyme B being ~2-fold more effective than S. marcescens endonuclease (Figure 3A, B). DNase I Enzyme C was also found to be very effective to reduce the background signals (data not shown). These data demonstrate that there are significant differences in enzyme activities among commercially available nucleases when the enzyme reactions are performed in unpurified AAV preparations although nuclease digestion should be effective when a small quantity of purified viral preps is treated under an optimized condition. Thus, these data highlight the importance of the correct selection of nuclease in the assay when unpurified AAV preparations undergo a quantitative dot blot or qPCR assay.
Figure 1: A representative dot blot analysis to determine the titer of a CsCl-purified AAV vector. (A) Double-stranded AAV2G9-CMV-GFP vector was produced in HEK 293 cells by a standard adenovirus-free three plasmid transfection method on a large scale, and purified by two rounds of CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation, followed by dialysis. 0.3, 0.1 and 0.03 µL of the purified AAV vector stock (blotted on the rightmost column) were subjected to the quantitative dot blot assay in duplicate with two sets of duplicated plasmid DNA standards (STDs). The blot was hybridized with a 32P-labeled GFP probe (0.77 kb), and the image was obtained using a phosphor image scanning system. (B) A standard curve showing the relationship between known plasmid DNA quantities (ng-eq, X-axis) and dot intensities (arbitrary unit (AU), Y-axis). The numbers on the Y-axis were obtained with the phosphor image scanning system. R indicates Pearson's correlation coefficient. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: AAV VP3-AAP cross-complementation dot blot assay. Double-stranded AAV-CMV-GFP vector particle production was tested for the VP3 proteins from AAV5, AAV9, and Snake AAV in the presence or absence of their cognate AAPs or in the presence of AAPs of heterologous origins. (A) The assay was performed in a biologically duplicated set of experiments (Set A and Set B) with 4 h incubation time with S. marcescens endonuclease, and the AAV vector titer obtained from each combination was determined by a quantitative dot blot method described in the Protocol section. Each dot represents two-thirds (the 5th and 6th rows, 66.7%) or two-thirtieths (the 7th and 8th rows, 6.7%) of DNA recovered from each 200 µL of medium collected from the samples or the negative control. The top four rows (1st to 4th rows) represent two sets of plasmid DNA standards (STD 1 and STD 2) blotted in duplicate (i.e., linearized pEMBL-CMV-GFP plasmid, which is the plasmid used for double-stranded AAV-CMV-GFP vector production). The dot blot membrane was probed with a 32P-labeled GFP probe. The pair of dots indicated with rounded rectangles are negative controls. The top two rows (STD 1) are from the bottom of the original blot but have been cut and moved to the top without altering image intensity to display both plasmid standards (STD 1 and STD 2) side by side. This manipulation is indicated with a black line in the figure. (B) Viral titer was determined for the combinations of VP3 and AAP proteins by the dot blot assay. The graph represents a biologically quadruplicated set of data, two from Panel A and two from another dot blot that is not shown. Error bars indicates mean +/- SD (n = 4). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: A comparison of enzymatic activities of different nucleases in unpurified AAV vector preparations. (A) A quantitative dot blot showing the efficacy of each nuclease treatment in eliminating background signals. A double-stranded AAV9-CMV-GFP vector-containing preparation ("AAV9 vector") and a "no-capsid control" were produced by HEK 293 cell transfection with plasmid DNAs, and subjected to the assay. The no-capsid control did not contain viral particles but contained exponentially amplified unpackaged CMV-GFP vector genomes. MgCl2 was supplemented at one or three-times the recommended amounts (6 mM and 18 mM for DNase I Enzyme A; and 2.5 mM and 7.5 mM for DNase I Enzyme B) without taking into account the 0.8 mM MgSO4 present in the medium. For the treatment with S. marcescens endonuclease, only one condition described in the Protocol section was tested. All the samples were treated with each nuclease for 1 h. The dot blot membrane was probed with a 32P-labeled GFP probe. The right two columns (STD 2) are from the left of the original blot but have been cut and moved to the right without altering image intensity to display both plasmid standards (STD 1 and STD 2) side by side. This manipulation is indicated with a thin black line in the figure. (B) Dots in the no-capsid control samples in Panel A are quantified and displayed as mean ± |each value — mean value|. Seven out of the 12 samples treated with DNase I Enzyme A (indicated with an asterisk) show values only slightly higher than the highest standard; therefore, they are included in this graph for comparison. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Serratia marcescens Endonuclease Buffer | |
50 mM Tris-HCl | |
2 mM MgCl2 | |
Adjust to pH 8.5 with 4 M NaOH. | |
10x Proteinase K Buffer | |
100 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0 | |
100 mM EDTA pH 8.0 | |
5% SDS | |
2x Alkaline Solution | |
800 mM NaOH | |
20 mM EDTA | |
20x SSC (1L) | |
175.3 g NaCl | |
88.2 g Sodium citrate tribasic (Na3C6H5O7) | |
Denhardt’s Solution 100x (50 mL) | |
1 g Bovine serum albumin (fraction V) | NOTE: Filtering is critical in order to remove small particles as they cause background hybridization signals. |
1 g Polysucrose 400 | |
1 g Polyvinylpyrrolidone | |
Dissolve in 20 mL of water in a 55 °C water bath. | |
Adjust final volume to 50 mL. | |
Filter-sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. | |
Hybridization Buffer | |
1% SDS | NOTE: Store Hybridization Buffer at 4 °C and heat to 65 °C in a water bath prior to use. |
6x SSC | |
5x Denhardt’s Solution | |
10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0 | |
Wash Buffer | |
0.1% SDS | |
0.1x SSC | |
Polyethylenimine (PEI) Solution (1 mg/mL, 500 mL) | |
Add 500 mg PEI in 450 mL of water and stir. | NOTE: For longer storage, -80 °C is recommended. |
Add concentrated HCl to bring pH down to <2.0 to dissolve PEI (approximately 800 µL of HCl will be required). | |
Add 10 M NaOH to bring pH up to 7.0 (approximately 500 µL of 10 M NaOH will be required). | |
Adjust the volume to 500 mL of water. | |
Filter-sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. | |
Aliquot and store at -20 °C. | |
Phenol-chloroform (1:1 mix) for quantitative dot blotting | |
Add buffer-saturated phenol (pH 8.0) and chloroform at a 1:1 ratio in a 50 mL polypropylene conical tube. | NOTE: The buffer covering the organic layer, if left in the tube, can be carried over into sample tubes through pipetting and may make the assay inaccurate. |
Vortex the tube vigorously to mix. | |
Allow for phase separation by centrifugation and then remove the aqueous layer completely. | |
Store at 4 °C. |
Table 1: Solution and Buffer Recipes. Recipes for solutions and buffers needed to complete the quantitative dot blot protocol.
Plasmid | AAP(+) (μg) | AAP(-) (μg) | Negative control (μg) | Transfection control (μg) |
pCMV-AAVx-VP3 | 0.4 | 0.4 | ||
pCMV-FLAG-AAPx | 0.4 | |||
pAAV-Reporter | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.4 | |
pHLP-Rep | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.4 | |
pHelper | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.4 | |
pCMV (Empty) | 0.4 | 0.8 | ||
pCMV-GFP | 2.0 | |||
Total | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
Table 2: Plasmid combinations for AAV VP3-AAP cross-complementation assay performed in a 6-well plate format. Combinations of the plasmid DNAs to be used for HEK 293 cell transfection in each experimental group are shown. pCMV-AAVx-VP3, a plasmid expressing AAV serotype x (x = 1, 2, 3, etc.) VP3 protein under the CMV-IE enhancer-promoter; pCMV-FLAG-AAPx, a plasmid expressing AAV serotype x (x = 1, 2, 3, etc.) AAP protein under the CMV-IE enhancer-promoter; pAAV-Reporter, a plasmid that has two AAV2 inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and is designed for recombinant AAV vector production; pHLP-Rep, a plasmid expressing AAV2 Rep protein; pHelper, an adenovirus helper plasmid; pCMV (Empty), an empty plasmid added to control the experimental conditions; pCMV-GFP, a plasmid expressing a fluorescence marker gene (e.g., GFP) to verify successful transfection. Transfections are conducted in 6-well plates, and use a total of 2 µg of plasmid DNAs.
Mix A | For 10 tubes (μL) |
Serratia marcescens Endonuclease Buffer | 91.2 |
0.1 M NaOH | 8.8 |
Total | 100 |
Mix B | For 10 tubes (μL) |
Serratia marcescens Endonuclease Buffer | 91.2 |
1 M MgCl2 | 7.04 |
Serratia marcescens Endonuclease (250 units/μL) | 0.176 |
Total | 100 |
Mix C | For 10 tubes (μL) |
10x Proteinase K Buffer | 400 |
Proteinase K (20 mg/mL) | 100 |
H2O | 1,300 |
Total | 1,800 |
Mix D | For 10 tubes (μL) |
100% Ethanol | 8,000 |
3 M Sodium acetate (pH 5.2) | 320 |
Oyster glycogen (20 mg/mL) | 10 |
Total | 8,330 |
Table 3: List of master mix reagents. Mix A and Mix B are used for the S. marcescens endonuclease treatment in step 3.2. These two mixtures should be made separately to prevent precipitation of magnesium hydroxide. Mix C is used for Proteinase K treatment in step 3.3. Mix D is used for ethanol precipitation in step 3.4.3. The volumes indicated in the table are for master mix reagents for 10 tubes.
Plasmid DNA standard (ng) | Volumes (µL) of 25 pg/µL plasmid DNA standard solution | Volumes (µL) of water | Total volume (µL) |
5 | 600 | 0 | 600 |
2.5 | 300 | 300 | 600 |
1.25 | 150 | 450 | 600 |
0.625 | 75 | 525 | 600 |
0.313 | 37.5 | 562.5 | 600 |
0.156 | 18.8 | 581.2 | 600 |
0.078 | 9.4 | 590.6 | 600 |
0.039 | 4.7 | 595.3 | 600 |
Table 4: Quantitative dot blot plasmid DNA standards. Necessary volumes of 25 pg/µL plasmid DNA standard solution and water or TE to prepare plasmid DNA standards by two-fold serial dilutions (600 µL/tube) are shown. The numbers in the plasmid DNA standard column (0.039 to 5 ng) are the quantity of DNA in 200 µL of each plasmid DNA standard solution.
In this report, the utility of quantitative dot blot assays to study AAV AAPs and their role in capsid assembly is described. Knowledge gained from these studies can provide detailed insights into the innate differences in the process of AAV capsid assembly and the functional role of AAPs between different serotypes. In this respect, the AAV VP3-AAP cross-complementation dot blot assay revealed that Snake AAV VP3 displayed a strict dependency on the co-expression of its cognate AAP for capsid assembly and that Snake AAP does not promote capsid assembly of heterologous serotypes. This observation is intriguing because the AAP-dependent AAV serotypes that were previously investigated (AAV1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12) are all able to process assembly at least to some degree by utilizing a heterologous AAP6.
Quantitative dot or slot blot hybridization is a traditional method for quantitation of nucleic acids contained in multiple samples at the same time in a convenient manner25. The method had been widely used for DNA and RNA quantitation until qPCR became prevalent in the 1990s26,27. Although qPCR has advantages over quantitative dot blot and other hybridization-based assays in that qPCR exhibits a higher sensitivity and a wider dynamic range, it also carries an inherent risk of exponentially augmenting errors unknowingly, which was the case for titers of AAV vector stocks determined by qPCR13,23. Quantitative dot blot assays are easily set up with an inexpensive cost and easily carried out as long as researchers have access to a quantitative molecular imaging system that can acquire signals from dot blot membranes hybridized with either a radioactive probe or a non-radioactive chemiluminescent or fluorescent probe. Although this protocol utilizes 32P-labeled radioactive probes for signal detection, others successfully use non-radioactive DNA probes directly labeled with a commercially available thermostable alkaline phosphatase28. Dot blot assays use a straightforward principle and the assay by itself does not pose a technical challenge to performers; therefore, the results are generally reproducible even by inexperienced individuals.
Besides the applications described here, we routinely use a simplified and expedited version of the dot blot procedure that can semi-quantify AAV particles quickly. Advantages of dot blot assays in this context include: (1) the assay does not require purification or enzymatic amplification of viral genomes which takes hours, (2) a combination of heat and alkaline denaturation is sufficient to break AAV particles in a sample solution and release denatured viral genomes into the solution that are ready to bind to a dot blot membrane, and (3) the presence of salt at high concentrations in samples does not significantly affect the assay results. For example, it is possible to semi-quantify AAV particles in CsCl-rich solutions (e.g., fractions obtained by CsCl density-gradient ultracentrifugation) by putting a small aliquot (≤10 µL) of samples into 100 µL of 1x Alkaline Solution, heating at 100 °C for 10 min, and blotting onto a membrane with or without standards prepared in advance, followed by a 15 min hybridization, 3 x 3 min washes and exposure to a phosphor imaging screen for 15 min (or longer when using a probe with decreased radioactivity). The whole procedure can be completed in 1 h once the user becomes familiar with the procedure. We use this expedited method, which we customarily call "boiling dot blot method", to identify AAV particle-rich CsCl fractions during the vector purification process and roughly determine titers of purified AAV vector stocks before beginning the extensive processes for vector characterization. Thus, although dot blot assays might be viewed as an outmoded method to quantify nucleic acids and have already been replaced with various PCR-based methods in a wide range of scientific disciplines, there are still a number of advantages to this method that should make researchers consider employing it in their laboratories.
The most critical step in the protocol is the nuclease treatment of samples. If this step is not carried out in an optimal condition, it would cause high background signals. We use S. marcescens endonuclease while DNase I enzymes of different sources are widely used in other laboratories for viral DNA quantification. The DNase I of bovine pancreas origin has been most widely used by researchers. This is in part because the bovine pancreatic DNase I was first identified and most extensively characterized biochemically29. The DNase I enzymes currently available from commercial vendors are produced from several different biological sources such as Pichia pastoris (DNase I Enzyme A), the native form purified from the bovine pancreas (e.g., DNase I Enzyme B), and recombinant enzymes produced in either a yeast species or Escherichia coli (DNase I Enzyme C). We have found that the DNase I enzymes from all three of these different sources have been used in published AAV vector quantitation studies; however, to our knowledge, none of the previous studies have investigated whether the enzymes from different sources are equally effective in digesting contaminating DNA molecules in AAV vector preparations. It should be noted that DNase I treatment for AAV vector assays is often carried out under non-optimized conditions due to the presence of impurities derived from culture medium and cells. The observation that DNase I Enzyme A is only partially active in the culture medium we used has significant implications in designing the assay for AAV vector quantitation by dot blot and qPCR, and alerts researchers to this previously unidentified issue. In this regard, S. marcescens endonuclease expressed in E. coli, is an ideal endonuclease not only for the purpose of manufacturing AAV vectors but also for AAV vector quantitation. This is because its enzymatic activity can be retained over a wide range of pH values and concentrations of magnesium ions and monovalent cations. For this reason, and because S. marcescens endonuclease is approximately 2 times less expensive than DNase I Enzyme B on a per-unit basis, we prefer to use S. marcescens endonuclease in routine quantitative dot blot analyses.
In summary, quantitative dot blot assays are a relatively straightforward procedure that can readily provide information on the ability to produce viral particles under varying conditions. Compared to alternative titering approaches, such as qPCR, this approach requires little, if any, optimization. It can also be readily applied to vectors of any serotype and can be used to titer both single- and double-stranded vectors without modifying the protocol. Following transfections and harvest of AAV vector-containing samples (culture medium and/or cells), the whole protocol can be completed in a day, thus rapidly answering questions about the ability to produce viral particles from diverse conditions, including various combinations of AAV VP3 and AAP proteins. Quantitative dot blots offer an expedient method to address various unanswered questions as to VP-AAP interactions and their roles in capsid assembly in a wide variety of different AAV serotypes and isolates.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Xiao Xiao at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for providing us with the pEMBL-CMV-GFP plasmid. We thank Christopher Cheng and Samuel J. Huang for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by Public Health Service grants (NIH R01 NS088399 and T32 EY232113).
Benzonase | MilliporeSigma | 1016970001 | Referred to as Serratia marcescen endonuclease in the main text. |
DNase I | Roche | 4716728001 | Referred to as DNase I Enzyme A in the main text. |
DNase I | Invitrogen | 18047019 | Referred to as DNase I Enzyme B in the main text. |
DNase I | New England Biolabs | M0303L | Referred to as DNase I Enzyme C in the main text. |
1.5 mL Attached O-Ring Screw Cap Microcentrifuge Tubes | Corning | 430909 | |
1.5 mL Microcentrifuge Tubes | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 05-408-129 | |
15 mL Polypropylene Conical Tube | Corning | 352097 | |
3 M Sodium Acetate | Teknova | S0298 | |
50 mL Polypropylene Conical Tube | Corning | 430291 | |
AAV-293 Cells | Agilent | 240073 | HEK-293 cell line optimized for the packaging of AAV virions. |
AccuGENE 0.5 M EDTA Solution | Lonza | 51234 | |
AccuGENE 1 M Tris-HCl pH 8.0 | Lonza | 51238 | |
AccuGENE 10% SDS | Lonza | 51213 | |
AccuGENE 1X TE Buffer | Lonza | 51235 | |
Bio-Dot Apparatus | Bio-Rad | 1706545 | |
Bovine Serum Albumin | MilliporeSigma | A3294 | |
Cell Lifter | Corning | 3008 | |
Chloroform | MilliporeSigma | 372978 | |
DNA Extractor Kit | Wako Pure Chemical Industries | 295-50201 | This is used for quantitative dot blots on purified virus. We use only a half volume of all the reagents in each step recommended for the Protocol Scheme 2 in the manual provided by the manufacturer. |
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)-high glucose (4.5 g/L) | Lonza | 12-614F | |
ElectroMAX DH10B Cells | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 18290015 | |
Ethanol 200 Proof | Decon Labs | 2716 | |
Fetal Bovine Serum | VWR | 1500-500 | |
Ficoll 400 | Alfa Aesar | B22095 | Referred to as Polysucrose 400. |
Fluorescence Microscope | Zeiss | Axiovert 40 CFL | |
Glycogen | Roche | 10901393001 | |
Herring Sperm DNA | Invitrogen | 15634-017 | |
Hybridization Tubes | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 13-247-150 | |
ImageQuant TL | GE Healthcare Life Sciences | ImageQuant TL | |
L-glutamine 200 mM | Lonza | 17-605E | |
Magnesium Choloride Hexahydrate | MilliporeSigma | M0250 | |
MicroPulser Electroporator | Bio-Rad | 1652100 | |
Mini Quick Spin DNA Columns | MilliporeSigma | 11814419001 | |
pAAV-RC2 Vector | Cell Biolabs Inc | VPK-422 | |
Penicillin/Streptomycin 10K/10K | Lonza | 17-602E | |
Phosphate Buffered Saline | Lonza | 17-516F | |
Phosphorimaging Exposure Cassette | GE Healthcare Life Sciences | Various | |
Phosphorimaging Screen | GE Healthcare Life Sciences | Various | |
Plasmid Maxi Kit | QIAGEN | 12162 | |
Platinum Pfx DNA Polymerase | Invitrogen | 11708013 | |
Polyethylenimine | Polysciences Inc | 23966-2 | |
Polyvinylpyrrolidone | MilliporeSigma | P5288 | |
Prime-It II Random Primer Labeling Kit | Agilent Technologies | 300385 | |
Primer AAP Forward (N25 nucleotides from the 4th nucleotide in the AAP ORF, RE1 is a restriction enzyme site for cloning): CTAA-RE1-CACCATGGACTACAAGGACGACGATGACAAA-N25 | MilliporeSigma | Custom Primer | |
Primer AAP Reverse (N25 is the last 25 nucleotides of the AAP ORF, RE2 is a restriction enzyme site for cloning): TCTT-RE2-N25 | MilliporeSigma | Custom Primer | |
Primer VP3 Forward (N25 the first 25 nucleotides of the VP3 ORF, RE1 is a restriction enzyme site for cloning): CTAA-RE1-CACC-N25 | MilliporeSigma | Custom Primer | |
Primer VP3 Reverse (N25 is the last 25 nucleotides of the AAP ORF, RE2 is a restriction enzyme site for cloning): TCTT-RE2-N25 | MilliporeSigma | Custom Primer | |
Proteinase K Solution | Invitrogen | 25530-049 | |
Restriction Enzymes | New England Biolabs | Various | |
Salmon Sperm DNA | Invitrogen | 15632011 | |
Serological Pipettes | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 13-678-11D / 13-678-11E / 13-678-11 | |
Sodium Chloride | Thermo Fisher Scientific | S271-10 | |
Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate | MilliporeSigma | C8532 | |
T4 DNA Polymerase | New England Biolabs | M0203L | |
Thermal Cycler | Eppendorf | 6321000515 | |
Tissue-culture Treated 6-well Plate | Corning | 353046 | |
Tris Base | Thermo Fisher Scientific | BP152-5 | |
Typhoon FLA 7000 | GE Healthcare Life Sciences | 28955809 | |
UltraPure Buffer-Saturated Phenol | Invitrogen | 15513-047 | |
UV Crosslinker | Spectroline | XLE-1000 | Optimal Crosslink mode is used, providing a UV energy dosage of 120 mJ/cm2. |
Zeta-Probe Membrane | Bio-Rad | 162-0165 |