Commonly used, highly accessible methods for examining cell migration and invasion in vitro are described. The first method is the cell wound closure assay that measures cell motility. The second method is the transwell migration and invasion assay that assesses the chemotactic and invasive capacity of cells.
Migration is a key property of live cells and critical for normal development, immune response, and disease processes such as cancer metastasis and inflammation. Methods to examine cell migration are very useful and important for a wide range of biomedical research such as cancer biology, immunology, vascular biology, cell biology and developmental biology. Here we use tumor cell migration and invasion as an example and describe two related assays to illustrate the commonly used, easily accessible methods to measure these processes. The first method is the cell culture wound closure assay in which a scratch is generated on a confluent cell monolayer. The speed of wound closure and cell migration can be quantified by taking snapshot pictures with a regular inverted microscope at several time intervals. More detailed cell migratory behavior can be documented using the time-lapse microscopy system. The second method described in this paper is the transwell cell migration and invasion assay that measures the capacity of cell motility and invasiveness toward a chemo-attractant gradient. It is our goal to describe these methods in a highly accessible manner so that the procedures can be successfully performed in research laboratories even just with basic cell biology setup.
Motility is an essential feature of live cells. Cell migration is involved in the conception of life, embryonic development, immune response, and many pathological processes such as cancer metastasis and inflammation1-9. Therefore, methods to study cell migratory behavior are very useful research tools for a wide range of disciplines in biomedical sciences, biology, bioengineering, and related fields.
The study of cell migration in cancer research is of particular interest as the main cause of death in cancer patients is related to metastatic progression. In order for cancer to spread and disseminate throughout the body, cancer cells must migrate and invade through extracellular matrix (ECM), intravasate into blood circulation, attach to a distant site, and finally extravasate to form distant foci1,10-12. Various biological methods may be employed to study these events in detail. The cell culture wound-closure and the transwell migration and invasion assays are widely used in the scientific community1,10. These tests can provide the necessary data that may allow for an understanding of how well a particular cell type can spontaneously migrate or respond to a chemo-attractant and directionally migrate toward it. Several migratory phenotypes have been described. Cells may migrate in a single cell form such as seen in mesenchymal or amoeboid-like movement or by multicellular movement labeled collective migration or cell streaming13. The method of movement used in motile cells can be readily observed using the cell culture wound closure assay.
Among the numerous ways to study cell migration, the cell wound closure assay is one of the simplest. This method is useful to determine the migration ability of whole cell masses. When taken a step further it can be used to observe individual cell’s morphological characteristics during migration14. Following the analysis of the wound closure many phenotypes may be revealed. Measuring the closed distance over time when comparing to a control may reveal specific migration changes or an impaired migratory phenotype that was unknown previously. Furthermore, single cell lamellipodium formation, tail retraction, and directional movement may give clues for what may be impaired or enhanced in the cells of interest14.
The transwell migration and invasion assays may be used to analyze the ability of single cells to directionally respond to various chemo-attractants whether they are chemokines, growth factors, lipids, or nucleotides4,5,8,15,16. It may also assess differential migratory ability due to the over-expression of a receptor1,14. These assays can also be used to identify and characterize the key regulators of cell migration such as the Rho family of small GTPases2. Following these short and easily accessible tests, the mode of cell migration and the ability of a cell to invade into a 3-D matrix may also be determined.
1. Cell Culture Wound Closure Assay
2. Transwell Cell Migration and Invasion Assay
The wound closure assay and the transwell cell migration assay presented here were performed using mouse B16F10 melanoma cells as a model system. In the wound closure assay, B16F10 cells were seeded in a 6-well tissue culture plate and grown to 100% confluence in 24 hours. A wound of approximately 700 µm wide was generated using a pipette tip and the wound closure (cell migration) was recorded using the time-lapse microscopy. Alternatively, wound closure can also be studied by taking snapshot pictures at different time points if time-lapse microscopy is not available1. Four pictures from the time-lapse series at 0, 4, 8, and 12-hour time points are shown in Figure 1. Based on the width of the wound, we calculated the migration distance and the speed of the cell migration at 40.42 µm/hr (Figure 1B). The time-lapse pictures were also assembled into a video using the ImageJ program (see supplementary video). The dynamic cell migration process could be studied. As shown in Figure 2, the morphology of migrating cells with lamellipodia (leading edge) and tails (trailing edge) were clearly observed.
In the transwell cell migration assay, 24-well inserts from Corning were used. B16F10 melanoma cells were re-suspended at the concentration of 1 x 106 cells/ml in the migration buffer consisting of DMEM medium and 0.1% BSA without serum. Conditioned media from NIH3T3 fibroblast cells grown in DMEM medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum was used as the chemo-attractant. 100 µl of B16F10 cells was added on top of the transwell membrane in the upper chamber and 600 µl of chemo-attractant was added to the lower chamber or the same volume of migration buffer added as a negative control. Cell migration was performed as described in the Procedure. The number of migrated cells could be quantified by counting underneath a microscope or in the pictures taken (Figure 3B). As shown in Figure 3, there was a 15-fold increase in the cells migrating toward the chemo-attractant in comparison to the control migration buffer (Figure 3C). The transwell assay examines cell chemotaxis, the directional cell migration toward chemo-attractant.
Figure 1. B16F10 melanoma cell wound closure assay. (A) During a 16-hour wound closure assay pictures were taken every 5 minutes using a time-lapse microscope. Representative pictures at 0, 4, 8, and 12 hr are shown and scale bars (400 µm) are added for wound width measurement. (B) The distance of the wound was measured in μm. A scatter plot was used to display the width of the wound over time and the rate of wound closure was calculated. To generate the r2 value, a linear regression was run on the wound width data using the GraphPad Prism software (version 5.0, GraphPad Software, Inc.). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Morphology of migrating B16F10 cells from the time-lapse microscopy of the wound closure assay. During a 16-hour wound closure assay pictures were taken every 5 minutes. All pictures were assembled into a video using the ImageJ program (5 frames/second). Cell migration involving cell polarization, lamellipodia extension, and trailing edge retraction was observed. Pictures from 34.6, 36.6, & 38.6-second time points of the video were presented (video time corresponding to the actual time-lapse migration time (hr:min:sec) 34.6 seconds, 14:20:00; 36.6 seconds, 15:10:00; and 38.6 seconds, 16:00:00, respectively). Scale bar 50 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Transwell migration assay of B16F10 melanoma cells. (A) A diagram of the transwell insert apparatus used to measure cell migration and invasion. (B) Representative pictures of B16F10 cell transwell migration. Cell migration buffer and NIH3T3 cell conditioned medium were added to the lower chamber as the negative control and chemo-attractant, respectively. After cell migration and staining with crystal violet as described in the Procedure, pictures of the migrated cells (purple stained) were taken using a microscope with a 10x objective (total magnification 100x). Pores of the membranes could also be observed as the numerous small, round and dark colored dots in the picture. (C) Quantification of cells migrating toward the migration buffer or chemo-attractant(Average of 5 picture fields at 100x total magnification). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary Video. Time-lapse video of a B16F10 melanoma cell wound closure assay. Pictures were taken every 5 minutes for 16 hours to generate 193 pictures. All pictures were assembled into a video using the ImageJ program (5 frames/second). See the "Supplementary_Video_JOVE.avi" supplementary file under Downloads.
Cell migration is an important aspect to study in cancer research and it can also be applied to developmental, immunological and wound healing studies. The cell culture wound closure assay and the transwell cell migration and invasion assays reveal detailed information of cell migratory behaviors and can be used to investigate the molecular mechanisms of cell migration1,2,10,14. Our study used these cell motility assays to determine the migration velocity and invasion capabilities of a B16F10 melanoma cell line.
The cell wound closure assay examines the ability of a particular cell line to migrate and subsequently close a wound made in a confluent plate of cells. This assay is highly accessible to groups with basic equipment and in comparison to existing methods is a simple way to measure cell migration. Some variation in the wound closure assay may be found in individual treatment groups but there are several steps that may be taken to help lessen it. One potential method to reduce variation is to plate each sample with the same number of cells to achieve synchronous confluence and maintain healthy cell status at the initiation of each experiment. Several trials of cell culture experiments may be needed to determine the exact plating number that is needed to achieve invariable confluence and healthy cell status among independent samples. Furthermore, increasing the sample size will also reduce variation. For slow migrating cell lines that require over 24 hour incubation time to observe significant migration, it is convenient to use aphidicolin or other proliferation inhibitor to prevent cell number changes that could potentially affect the outcome of the assay.
After mastering the ability to study cell migration velocity using the cell wound closure assay, a detailed evaluation of single cell migratory behaviors may also be completed14. Furthermore, following a wound closure assay cells may be fixed and various proteins involved with cytoskeletal structure and dynamics may be viewed and evaluated using immunocytochemistry2. This analysis may lead to further detailed biochemical alterations previously unknown. The cell wound closure assay is also highly amenable to real-time live cell imaging to study migration dynamics by using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. For example, actin-GFP, tubulin-GFP, and paxillin-GFP fusion proteins may be expressed in live cells to view the localization of the proteins at different time points in cell migration or adhesion18,19. Some limitations of the wound closure assay include that, for instance, it is not suitable for non-adherent cells and does not measure cell chemotaxis. In addition, some cell lines have a tendency to detach from the plate immediately after the wound is made (e.g. HEK293T cells). For those cell lines, it is better to use pre-casted wound plates or the transwell migration assay discussed below.
The transwell cell migration and invasion assay provides thorough analysis of the ability of cells to sense a particular chemo-attractant and migrate through a physical barrier toward it. This test can be further used to investigate cell invasion by adding a layer of extracellular matrix or a layer of endothelial cells on top of the transwell membrane to mimic the process of ECM invasion and extravasation1,10. Additionally, following the invasion through Matrigel, immunological staining of cytoskeletal proteins in combination with fluorescence microscopy may be valuable for morphological study during 3-D invasion. A limitation of using the transwell cell invasion assay is that time-lapse data of cell invasion is difficult to attain with conventional microscopy and live cell imaging of this process is complex.
To obtain accurate results, there are several critical steps during the transwell cell migration and invasion assays that are of importance. First, since cell migration velocity may vary widely between different cell types several preliminary experiments must be performed to adopt a specific migration time frame that will be used in the procedure. Second, the chemo-attractant must also be applicable to the cell type of interest. A wide range of chemo-attractants should be examined in preceding experiments before measuring the final migration and invasion capability of a particular cell type. Fibroblasts-conditioned medium is commonly used as a strong chemo-attractant for a wide range of cell types. If a single purified chemo-attractant is used make sure that the receptors of the chemo-attractant are expressed in the cell type of interest. Finally, for the cell invasion assay make sure the coating of Matrigel or other extracellular matrix is homogeneous in order to minimize experimental variation. In conclusion, although there are some limitations, the highly accessible cell migration assays described here are useful for a wide range of biological studies.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors thank Mike Myles, Sam Saunders, and C.W. Elton at the ECU Multimedia & Technology Services for providing assistance in video production. We acknowledge the grant support from North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Golfers against Cancer, Brody Brothers Endowment Fund, American Heart Association, and ECU/Vidant Cancer Research and Education Fund (L.V.Y. and M.J.R.).
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) | Gibco | 11995-073 | |
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) | Gemini | 100106 | |
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) | Sigma-Aldrich | A4503-50G | |
Trypsin EDTA 0.25% | Gibco | 25200-056 | |
Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline (DPBS) | Gibco | 14190-250 | |
Crystal violet | Sigma | C0775-100G | Dissolved in water at 0.2% |
Cell disassociation buffer | Gibco | 13151-014 | |
Cell culture incubator | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Model # 3145 | |
SterilGARD biosafety hood | The Baker Company, Inc. | Model # VBM-600 | |
EVOS Fl inverted microscope | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Model # AMF-4302-US | |
Tissue culture plate | Becton Dickinson | 353046 | Catalog number varies depending on the type of culture plate |
Corning Transwell insert | Fisher | 07-200-150 | Catalog number varies depending on the pore size of the membrane |