Ratiometrisk Biosensors, der måler Mitochondrial Redox stat og ATP i Living Gærcellers
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JoVE Journal Bioengineering
Ratiometric Biosensors that Measure Mitochondrial Redox State and ATP in Living Yeast Cells

12:22 min

July 22, 2013

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  • 00:05Title
  • 02:48Growth of Cells and Preparation for Imaging
  • 03:29Mito-roGFP1 Imaging
  • 04:33MitGO-ATeam2 Imaging
  • 06:09ImageJ Analysis
  • 08:40Measuring Mitochondrial Redox State and ATP with Mito-roGFP1 and MitGO-ATeam2
  • 11:22Conclusion


Automatic Translation

Vi beskriver anvendelsen af ​​to ratiometrisk, genetisk indkodede biosensorer, som er baseret på GFP, til at overvåge mitokondrie redoxtrin og ATP niveauer subcellulære opløsning i levende gærceller.

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