Application of Laser Micro-irradiation for Examination of Single and Double Strand Break Repair in Mammalian Cells
JoVE Journal
Cancer Research
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JoVE Journal Cancer Research
Application of Laser Micro-irradiation for Examination of Single and Double Strand Break Repair in Mammalian Cells

08:18 min

September 05, 2017

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  • 00:05Title
  • 00:31Laser Micro-irradiation
  • 04:02Live Cell Image Analysis of the Recruitment of Fluorescent Proteins to Micro-irradiated Sites
  • 05:54Results: Laser Micro-irradaition is a Tool for Characterizing DNA Damage and Repair
  • 07:13Conclusion


Automatic Translation

Confocal fluorescence microscopy and laser micro-irradiation offer tools for inducing DNA damage and monitoring the response of DNA repair proteins in selected sub-nuclear areas. This technique has significantly advanced our knowledge of damage detection, signaling, and recruitment. This manuscript demonstrates these technologies to examine single and double strand break repair.

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