Processing Insect Legs for Fluorescence Microscopy: A Method to Preserve Neuromuscular Structures for Imaging

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Guan, W., et al. Visualize Drosophila Leg Motor Neuron Axons Through the Adult Cuticle. J. Vis. Exp. (2018).

This video describes a method to dissect, fix, and mount the Drosophila adult leg while preserving its neuromusculature intact for imaging analysis.


This protocol is an excerpt from Guan et al., Visualize Drosophila Leg Motor Neuron Axons Through the Adult Cuticle, J. Vis. Exp. (2018). 1. Leg Dissection and Fixation Take a glass multi-well plate and fill appropriate number of wells with 70% ethanol. Add 15–20 CO2-anesthetized flies (of either sex and any age) to each well and by using a brush, gently dab the flies into the ethanol solution until flies are…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Procedure to mount legs on microscope slides. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.


Ethanol absolute Fisher E/6550DF/17 Absolute analytical reagent grade
nonionic surfactant detergent Sigma-Aldrich T8787 Triton X-100, for molecular biology
Fine forceps Sigma-Aldrich F6521 Jewelers forceps, Dumont No. 5
Glass multi-well plate Electron Microscopy Sciences 71563-01 9 cavity Pyrex, 100 mm x 85 mm
PFA Thermofisher 28908 Pierc 16% Formaldehyde (w/v), Methanol-free
Glycerol Fisher BioReagents BP 229-1 Glycerol (Molecular Biology)
Spacers Sun Jin Lab Co IS006 iSpacer, four wells, around 12 μL working volume per well, 7 mm diameter, 0.18 mm deep
Square 22 mm x 22 mm coverslips Fisher Scientific FIS#12-541-B No. 1.5-0.16 to 0.19 mm thick
Mounting Medium Vector Laboratories H-1000 Vectashield Antifade Mounting Medium

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Processing Insect Legs for Fluorescence Microscopy: A Method to Preserve Neuromuscular Structures for Imaging. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20121, doi: (2023).

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